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tranny swap worth it?

Posted: December 19th, 2002, 7:06 pm
by marius
This is my first time posting something on the board so forgive me if I sound repetitive.
I have a 94 gs auto (blah) and I want to switch
to a 5spd. Is it worth to swap the tranny(how much would it cost in Toronto, Can.) or should
I just get another gs but in a 5 spd? Keep in mind that my A/C is outta freon and my rear
defoger went out. 182,000 km on the car.<p>thanks,

Re: tranny swap worth it?

Posted: December 19th, 2002, 10:55 pm
by mattster
welcome to the bulliten board. you will find that the people around here are very helpful. you can use the search like up in the top right corner if you don't want to be repetitive. personally i would go with buying a new car only because of the tremendous amount of work that would go into an auto - 5speed swap. however i know it has been done, and i think that there are other topics about this swap elsewhere if you want to read into it.