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hey question 4 storage

Posted: October 6th, 2002, 1:04 am
by MI-Archangel
ok im storing my baby 4 the winter cuz i make minum wage at a grocery store and insuarnce costs alot and driving costs alot and rust removal would cause alot and snow causes rust so im going to pay 32 cents per day 2 store my car anyways im keeping it in my garage now while its in the garage i wont be driving it duh so what do i all need to do to prepare my car 4 storage for about 4-5 months thanks

Re: hey question 4 storage

Posted: October 6th, 2002, 2:30 am
by pelado
Put it up on jackstands.<BR>Put Sta-Bil in the gas. Crank it and then pull the fuel pump relay so the engine will run till the gas is gone.<BR>Hmmmm.....drain the radiator?<BR>Pull the plugs and squirt some oil in the holes, leave the plugs loose, and do this every month.<BR>Disconnect the battery... <P>I dunno what else. I gotta confess I've never lived in a climate where this was necessary, I'm just trying to recall those magazine articles from way back.

Re: hey question 4 storage

Posted: October 6th, 2002, 5:52 am
by voltaire
It would probably be better to leave the radiator full as long as it isn't straight water. I'd run the engine with the cap off and top it off with more antifreeze.