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Intake noise

Posted: July 14th, 2002, 3:57 pm
by InTeGy911
My friend has an 87 integra and all he did was put a cone filter at the end of the intake tubing and his intake sounded good (you could really hear it). When I put a 2.5" (T.B.) to 3" (VAF) adapter followed by a 3"(VAF) to 3" (Some Tubing, about 2-3ft.) then, finally, to the Filter it made practically no intake noise. Is there something wrong with my car or something? I just dont know why a 4cyl 1.6 honda motor has more intake noise than my 6cyl 1.8 mazda motor. Anybody have any idea?<p>[ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: InTeGy911 ]

Re: Intake noise

Posted: July 14th, 2002, 8:39 pm
by killerpickle
I would have to say it is because generally speaking, 4cyl engines are louder than 6. And I would also have to say that the mx3 probably has more sound proofing.