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home made airintake pics

Posted: April 15th, 2002, 4:22 pm
by fuzzyboy
does any body have some pictures off home made air intakes.<BR> :)

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 15th, 2002, 5:16 pm
by mattster
Fuzzy, I just made my intake last weekend... it only costed me $40 (USD) including the filter. I will post the pics for you either today or tomorrow. But I can tell you basically what I did was I kept it stock up to the VAF and then I put a 3" 90 degree bend to a 8 inch long pipe (3" diameter) and then that to a cone filter. This way the filter breathes from a nice fresh airstream yet is guarded from some of the water by the splash guard. Oh yeah, I also got rid of the "horn" and just put a 1 1/2" plug in the whole.

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 16th, 2002, 12:53 am
by corona
Here is mine. I made from a AEM intake of a 98 eclipse. it sounds so nice, and Mr. Butt Dyno notice a little better pick up and changing lanes. :D <P>Let me ask Barry to post it for me, caus ei have no idea in how to do it.

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 16th, 2002, 1:00 am
by Custommx3
IF you have them on the web, email me the link or esit yours withthe location.<BR>Or IF they are not on the web, email them to me.

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 16th, 2002, 1:10 am
by David Coleman

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 16th, 2002, 1:13 am
by mattster
Fuzzy, my pics are posted <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>here</A> go ahead and check the pics out (they are in the second row). If you got any questions just ask :).

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 16th, 2002, 7:56 am
by fuzzyboy
hey thanks for the quick response guys i<BR>really appreciate it. <P> ;)

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 18th, 2002, 2:22 am
hey mattster, just for your info man, that other opening for the other hose that you removed, if you want to cap it off, and you should, use a spray paint can top, it will fit over it nicely. cut a notch in the can lid for the protrusion that is on the intake and then you can tughten it down with the hose clamp. if you don't cap it off you risk trash in your motor. <BR>P.S. it you just took it off to show the intake then please ignore my suggestion and accept my appoligies for my ignorance, just trying to help.

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 18th, 2002, 2:40 am
by mattster
Pat Diesel my man thanks for the concern. However, if you are talking about the the other branch of the "Y" (the one which the "horn" goes in) I made sure to put a 1 1/2" pipe plug to block airflow. Plus I don't think it even would work if that hole were to be left unplugged... not to mention it would be brutally harsh on my engine :). But I can definitly understand your concern as the plug can't be seen as it is jammed in that hole and tightened with that hose clamp. If we aren't talking about the same opening... please write another post.

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 18th, 2002, 3:10 am
by marshmallow15
i myself have made a custom intake out of the hks supermega flow filter and pvc piping....the sound is noticeable in high rpms. i'm also planning a dual intake on a single connection...well actually experiment.

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 19th, 2002, 2:54 am
by mattster
sounds interesting... tell me more.

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 19th, 2002, 3:02 am
by marshmallow15
well it's only an experiement that's being discussed with my friends right now, but once i get more piping and another filter, i'll test it out. i'm not sure it'll work well because since the tube will be splitted, the vacuum power will be distorted.

Re: home made airintake pics

Posted: April 23rd, 2002, 3:46 pm
by corona
Here is mine, sorry that took so long... Image<p>[ April 23, 2002: Message edited by: Custommx3 ]