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start with out pressing clutch?

Posted: April 13th, 2002, 2:34 pm
by corona
I want to put a remote start in my 5 speed. any body done this? Also i seen it done in a eclipse and few hondas, how you start with out pressing the clutch?<P>thanks<BR>carlos<BR>PS: I know is risky but i wanted anyways. Please help me!!!

Re: start with out pressing clutch?

Posted: April 13th, 2002, 3:21 pm
by rece
You have to loop the starter over the clutch and must make sure the car is in nutral at all times if using the auto starter<P>one time i started it in gear and the car started to roll away. i have a viper starter/alarm and you can shut it off the same way you turn it on so i just shut it off before it went down the street<P>Ps: no shop will install the startre for you unless you know somebody<P>good luck<BR>Jesse

Re: start with out pressing clutch?

Posted: April 13th, 2002, 4:57 pm
by corona
How you loop the clutch?<P>I have to do it so the guys will install it. Cause he don't know how to do it in mx-3.<BR>I know the guy in the shop :D Thats god!!! Also he is only charging me $120 for all. :D

Re: start with out pressing clutch?

Posted: April 13th, 2002, 5:44 pm
by rece
im not completely sure how it is done, i think you install it as you would in an auto but you have to always make sure it is out of gear when starting<P>other than that im not the expert on this topic maybe one of the moderators know

Re: start with out pressing clutch?

Posted: April 14th, 2002, 1:38 pm
by Bri94GS
yea, i saw someone crash his car into a wall because he left it in gear with an autostart..pretty

Re: start with out pressing clutch?

Posted: April 14th, 2002, 6:55 pm
by corona
Thanks Guys For all your help.<P>What i did is that i found out that behing the cluth pedal there is a white switch. So i got a tie clip and tied so that way the swith is press doen ad the computer think that i'm pressing the clutch. Now All i got to do is install the remote start like in a auto car.<P>I hope this help for all the crazy ones like me that are always trying to make theyre ride diff from everybody else. Just my 2 cents.<P> :)