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Washer Nozzles

Posted: February 28th, 2002, 3:13 pm
by 5spd_GS
hey people, do any of you know how to adjust the direction of the washer nozzles? one of mine is like firing fluid over the roof haha.. just wondering how to aim it back down.. thanx

Re: Washer Nozzles

Posted: February 28th, 2002, 3:48 pm
by rece
all you have to do is take a pin of some sort andstick it in the hole and adjust until it is where u want it, it took me a while to do it but i got it to hit right where i wanted it to

Re: Washer Nozzles

Posted: February 28th, 2002, 11:43 pm
by Travis83
Ya the concept is simple enough but its definetly a pain in the a--. :mad: