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Engine miss firing - worse when warmed up

Posted: February 7th, 2002, 6:22 am
by stuartpaterson2
Just bought an mx3 v6 - 1995. Appeared to be ok when I picked it up, but over the last couple of weeks it's started misfiring. As the engine warms up it gets worse. I had it back in the shop and they did all the usual checks. The only thing they found was oil round one of the spark plugs (not the spark end but the lead end). They changed the plugs and all was well for a couple of days. The problem is back again. I can't see where the oil could be comming from. Any ideas? Anyone had a similar problem?

Re: Engine miss firing - worse when warmed up

Posted: February 7th, 2002, 1:12 pm
by Maddbuck
the oil is coming from the valve cover gaskets. it is known problem and all the V6 are suseptable to this. The simple solution is to keep the wells clean every month just clean them out. Since you changed spark plugs I would suggest changing spark plug wires next because that fixed up my misfiring. The wires are usually the problem when misfiring. :roll:

Re: Engine miss firing - worse when warmed up

Posted: February 7th, 2002, 1:37 pm
by Deano96GS
I've had the same problem,( oil in the sparkplug wells )<BR>How do you know if the engine is 'misfiring'

Re: Engine miss firing - worse when warmed up

Posted: February 7th, 2002, 2:50 pm
by SmokyMcGee
you can tell if it is misfiring because you can hear studders in the engine and when you accelerate it feels very rough and your car goes slow as hell... my distributor was to blame for this. :mad: