Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

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Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

Post by EZ_4_FUN » ... PhotoID=35 ... PhotoID=34 ... PhotoID=42

Cris and I have been speaking on a regular basis for the past couple of weeks to make this kit available to the Canadian, U.S and European market. We have reached an agreement to have the rights for this design.

The original parts are being shipped from Brazil to Toronto by end of October/beginning of November. The manufacturing process shouldn't take more than 3 weeks to complete, at which time we will start shipping out the final product.

Pricing is as follows:

-Front Bumper: $550 CDN ( approx: $440 U.S )

-Side Skirts: $450 CDN ( approx: $360 U.S )

-Rear Spoiler: $450 CDN ( approx: $360 U.S)

All prices include shipping within Canada and the continental U.S.A.

Aluminum mesh grill will also be included at no extra cost.

For international buyers interested in this group buy, please contact me directly at or call 416-899-5909 for a shipping price on your order.

As a general rule of, hosting Group Buys, a donation to help support the site is to be added to each sale by the buyer. For this Group Buy We have decided on a low price of $10 per item sold.

This $10 donation should be included in your final payment to me. Once the Group Buy is completed, the total of donations will be sent to by me on you the buyers behalf.

This small donation is greatly appreciated by all that assist in keeping the site running on a daily basis. (Moderators and Administrators).

Thank You
Last edited by EZ_4_FUN on January 15th, 2005, 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Re: Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

Post by EZ_4_FUN »

Below is the current list of members interested. If your name does not appear here, and you would like to be a part, contact me at or call; 416-899-5909

-Tim Buckley (U.S.A): Front, Sides

-John Nall (U.S.A): Spoiler (please contact me)

-Danny Furniss (U.S.A): Front

-Eric Husband (Canada): Front

-James Tavares (Canada): Front


-Trevor Atack (Canada): Spoiler (white decal)

-Martin Tocauer(Austria): Spoiler (??? decal)

I will update this on a weekly basis as required.

Last edited by EZ_4_FUN on January 17th, 2005, 2:13 am, edited 6 times in total.
95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Re: Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

Post by EZ_4_FUN »

"This $10 donation should be included in your final payment to me. Once the Group Buy is completed, the total of donations will be sent to by me on you the buyers behalf."
End Quote

The $10 donation is to be added to your total. The donation is not included in the price listed.

95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Re: Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

Post by EZ_4_FUN »

Originally posted by EZ_4_FUN:

As a general rule of, hosting Group Buys, a donation to help support the site is to be added to each sale by the buyer. For this Group Buy We have decided on a low price of $10 per item sold.

To clarify this further;

$10/item sold means that if you are planning on purchasing the 3 pieces, your donation would total $30 CDN

Jeff and I have renegotiated this so that it is more appealing to you. we have decided on the following:

1 item: $10
2 Items: $17.50
3 Items: $24

PLUS! With your donation, you will receive a small decal.

Also, on the Forums, you will get
"Supporting Member" status instead of just
"Member" and a custom Avatar for the image next to your name in the forums.

Please let me know your colour preference for the decal by the time you send in your final payment.

Forum Status will be updated once the group buy is completed and donations are received. Decal will be mailed out with your order.

Thank You

<small>[ October 17, 2004, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: EZ_4_FUN ]</small>
95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Re: Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

Post by EZ_4_FUN »


Parts from Brazil should be arriving in Toronto by the 2nd week of November.

95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Re: Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

Post by EZ_4_FUN »

small update, none the update

It appears that Cris Barros is busier than we both had imagined. I do not expect the bumper and sides to arrive until the new year.

On a happier note;

the spoiler is scheduled to arrive on Monday and will be worked on one week from Monday. With the Christmas holidays just around the corner, time to work on it will be an issue as the end of the month rolls around.

Although i do not see any huge problems with the spoiler, i don't think it will be ready for shipping until the new year.

I write my final exam on December 14. After that date, i will be fitting the spoiler. Granted no issues arise, the prototype will be completed within a week or so. The mold will not be started until the new year.

No payments will be required until the 2 piece mold is completed.

95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Re: Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

Post by EZ_4_FUN »

I will have some pics of the spoiler tomorrow!

Stay Tuned.....
95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Cris Barros + Pakfeifer New Body Kit

Post by EZ_4_FUN »

As Promised, PICS!!!

Unfortunately my camera was low on battery power, so I was not able to take enough pics. We are pretty much on the finishing side of the entire process. The spoiler has been fitted and lined up to 1/8" accuracy.





I will start collecting payment for the spoilers during the first or second week of January, so start saving up those christmas bonuses and cash gifts!

I imagine to have the spoiler ready for molding by January 7.

If you have any concerns or suggestions, please post in the appropriate thread in the appearance forum!


95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Post by EZ_4_FUN »

It seems that with the change in, most of the pics were lost.

this link is so you may view all pics of the project. Starting from page #2 -page#3 you can see the progress. ... snw?Page=2

By January 9th, the prototype will be 100% complete and ready for the mold process.

I expect mass production will start on January 17 and shortly there after shipping of spoilers will comence.

I will be emailling each one of you individually information regarding payments.

If you cannot see the pics, please contact me and I will email them to you.

95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Post by EZ_4_FUN »


Can the following people, please get in contact with me.

-Odds (Norway): Front, Sides, Spoiler (please contact me)

-John Nall (U.S.A): Spoiler (please contact me)

Thank You,
95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.
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Post by EZ_4_FUN »

It appears that one of the 4 GB members has backed down from his spot.


Unfortunately this does not help me with the costs. Only 3 orders for CB spoilers isnt enough to cover all the expenses. Not even by a long shot!

As Freddie Mercury put it; The show must go on!

We are currently at the molding stage, This is the hardest part as the design for the spoiler calls for the use of a jig when creating the part. The mold will consist of at least 6 pieces. Not an easy task nor a cheap one at that.

As soon as I have some pictures of this process, I will post it up for all.

On a side note, For those GB members waiting on the actual bodykit. It appears that Cris Barros himself has fallen off the face of the earth, or maybe is lost in the Amazon. I have not seen him online, nor have I received an email response since 2004. For that reason, I have still not started this part of the buy.

I think we will have to resort to re-creating the design.

The side skirts dont look like they will pose any problems, but from what I have gathered, the front bumper was a custom design. I have been informed by a member on the board that the CB front bumper resembles an oem bumper. In this case, I will source out that particular oem bumper and graft it to our oem front.

I should be able to recreate the intended design. I will let everyone know once we have confirmed this.

If there is anyone interested in taking ODDS place in the buy, please let me know asap.

$460 CDN shipped anywhere in Canada or the U.S with a small decal. This price also includes a $10 donation to

95 MX-3 GS ZE Turbo: MSnS-extra, AEM WB, Blitz boost controller, MSD 6A w/ Blaster2 Coil, ZE disty, Redtops @ 550, Walbro 255, Garrett T3/T04E 60 Trim w/ .63 A/R, 38mm Deltagate Mark II @4psi, FMIC, Apexi BOV, CM Dual friction, 4-6.25 Kickers, 2ch Alpine V12. That's Alll.

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