Pakfeifer Altezza tail light groupbuy!!!
- neverenuff
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Pakfeifer Altezza tail light groupbuy!!!
Ok people it's here,<BR>Pakfeifer has made me their US distributor so I am doing a groupbuy on the Altezza tail lights. As of right now, I am filling the list. We need 15-20 people in this buy to get the deal. We already have 10 so the list is filling quick. Ok,here's the deal. Once the list is full there will be a dead line at which time all money must be in. After the dead line and all money has been received, I will send a money order to Pakfeifer for the total amount. In return, Pakfeifer will then ship me the tail lights. Once I receive the bulk shipment, I will then ship out to each person. Now the price is 350.00$ US$<BR>that includes shipping to your door. If you have not seen these lights yet here is the site to see them <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <BR>I can only take check or money order as payment. I would rather you send money order so there is no wait for checks to clear.If anyone has any questions about this post or anything else please feel free to email me my email add. is .I will keep everybody updated if there are any changes.If you want in on this buy and want to be added to the list you must be 110% sure<BR>in order to be added.<P>Thnx<BR>Luis <BR>"Never E-Nuff Customs"
- neverenuff
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Re: Pakfeifer Altezza tail light groupbuy!!!
OK people<BR>Pakfeifer finaly returned my email but there is a problem I have been informed by Pakfeifer that there is a very short supply<BR>of Altezza Tail lights in order to fill my order it has to be in very soon like in two weeks other wise it will be a month from now befor I can even get the order filled .So the dead line for all money to be in by is 5/1/02 witch is two weeks from today.If you can not make that dead line please email me and let me know so you may be taken off the list and someone else can take that spot.If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me. <BR>make money order out to Luis Rivera<BR>send payment to<BR>Luis Rivera<BR>20 Gamewell LN<BR>Willingboro N.J. 08046<P>P.S. Please email me to let me know that you are going to send in payment and when it is going to be mailed out.
- neverenuff
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Re: Pakfeifer Altezza tail light groupbuy!!!
This is an update,<BR>I am sorry to say this but the price of the groupbuy went up 10.00$ so the final price on the Altezza Tail Lights is now 360.00$ U.S. I am realy sorry but I just recived an email from Pakfeifer informing me of the price change if you would like you can go to there web site and see the price diff the tail lights befor was 400.00 even now look.If you Have any questions regarding this post or any question for that matter please feel free to email me.<P>Thank You ,<BR>Luis "Never E-Nuff Customs"
- neverenuff
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- Posts: 608
- Joined: January 24th, 2002, 2:01 am
- Location: BLACKWOOD N.J.
Re: Pakfeifer Altezza tail light groupbuy!!!
Ok people well this groupbuy is over. Everyone that sent in their payment will be getting an email from me soon.I will be doing another groupbuy shortly so if you are intrested start emailing me now so we can get the list started just remember my groupbuys are for US res only if you are from canada and want in on pakfeifer products please email Oscar at <BR>He is our canada distributor were I am the US one.He is curently running a groupbuy now <BR>so you still have a chance to be put on his list.If you have any questions about this post or any question ingeneral please feel free to email me.<P>Thank You,<BR>Luis "Never E-Nuff Customs"<p>[ May 02, 2002: Message edited by: NEVER ENUFF CUSTOMS ]