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Question to Mx-3 Owner in Québec

Posted: February 4th, 2003, 9:49 am
by Manach
Hey, just wondering..<p>I receive my renewal for my Car's lisence (Mes plaques de char), and I just notice that, humm, well, my car is a Mx-3 .. And no definition of the engine in the Mx-3... It doesn't tell if it is a V6, or a 4 cylinders.<p>Does that mean I could be almost anything in my car, and still says : " It aint' mark down as a "Put engine type", but it doesn't say otherwise too" .. ;) <p>Oh well.. just asking.

Re: Question to Mx-3 Owner in Québec

Posted: February 4th, 2003, 3:27 pm
by Sinistral
I think so :) <p>I don't have any v6 or 4 cyl on my permit!

Re: Question to Mx-3 Owner in Québec

Posted: February 5th, 2003, 9:29 am
by Manach
I think I gonna call the SAAQ to find out :) Without saying my engine type just in case I'll be tricked.. ;)

Re: Question to Mx-3 Owner in Québec

Posted: February 5th, 2003, 4:23 pm
by beavis_man
Non, il n'y a pas de diddérence entre le 4cyl et le 6 cyl (pour la SAAQ) . Ca ne veut pas dyre que tu peux y mettre n'importe quel moteur. Ca mérite une petite consultation aupres de ces conseiller.<p>CRISS DE VOLEURS