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Checking a sub...

Posted: October 12th, 2004, 10:50 am
by Austoon
I was just wondering if there is anyway to tell if a sub is blown or not by just lookin at certain things or not?

I was offered a sub for $85, he says its still brand new, in box, never opened.
If it still got a plastic wrap on it then problem solved BUT if there isnt, is there anything that could be checked to make sure he aint screwin me around without actually having to hook it up and try it?

Re: Checking a sub...

Posted: October 12th, 2004, 3:16 pm
by Dali
just push down on the middle of the sub, if it moves freely and comes back up its good, if it crunches and moves hard its blown. if blown it will have a burnt smell to it depending on how bad it was cooked. you can also put a 9 volt battery to it, just run a wire from each terminal on the sub to the battery conectors, this will pulse it, move it up and down a bit, with a little sound. other than that you can take it to a car audio shop and get them to look at it.

Re: Checking a sub...

Posted: October 12th, 2004, 3:56 pm
by Austoon
Alright, Thanks for the help

Re: Checking a sub...

Posted: October 12th, 2004, 5:51 pm
by DJsMX-3
Pushing down on the cone will only tell if its burnt..

If you look closely at the braided very flexible wires from the terminals to the voicecoil you can see if it has been used (if you can se its been used you can tell him and offer a smaller amount for the sub :)