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Extra LED’s

Posted: July 21st, 2004, 1:29 am
Hey guy’s I was wondering how meny LED’s you can hook up to the out put of your alarm? I want to add two high out put ones in the door and wondered if I needed to use a transistor/ relay so the alarm brain is not powering all 3 LED’s.

P.s. My alarm is a Marksman

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: July 21st, 2004, 4:00 am
by n_o_s_21
go to london drugs, visions, beamriders, etc, but the packaged leds(various colors avail) and install them. they come with resistors already built in, and are super bright. you can run quite a few off that output wire as leds take f*** all power to run. my buddy has 4 leds off his output wire, no problems at all.

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 12:55 am
OK here’s the thing tho the output of the brain is switched from 1.3 or so and 0 so I can’t use any LED’s with resistors. Unfortunately the ones I have installed have resisters in them and due to an alternate function the LED’s also serve the resistors need to stay there. So if anyone knows of a transistor that’s triggered @ 1.3 volts but switches 12v that’d be cool

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 2:55 am
by n_o_s_21
So what kind of led do u have with the alarm now? it has to have a built in resitor in it. I really can't see the issue, cause when I changed my alarm led, I had no issues off the led output. Would like to help you out, but I gotta work straight thru the weekend.... Perhaps if you are not in too much of a rush, You could swing by next week and we can figure it out together?? Get me back,


Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 2:58 am
by n_o_s_21
Oh yeah, those leds I was talking about from the store have a small chip board inline so you can use them with or without an alarm system... they are hooked to the igition, constant and a ground and when the key is off, they will flash, when the key is on, they stop flashing.

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: July 23rd, 2004, 9:20 am
by lakersfan1
Originally posted by BOWSER:
So if anyone knows of a transistor that’s triggered @ 1.3 volts but switches 12v that’d be cool
Do you mean a relay? And are you sure it's 1.3 volts, and not 1.3 amps? It's wierd to have the voltage altered on an output.

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: August 9th, 2004, 2:03 pm
by mazda_stud
go get some varad hyper led's like $10.00 piece and have a built in transformer that works on your ground out will armed output (starter Kill)

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: August 10th, 2004, 2:58 am
by Typhoonk
Dude don't attach any other leads to the alarm brain's led output!!! Because it's not fused!!! if you short it, it's done. End of story.

Here's a better way. Get those leads with the resistor already inline(varad or farad or something) .Connect the +positive end to +12volts constant(remember to fuse the line (one amp). Then connect the negative end to the ignition wire. Voila, when you remove your key you now have an led that is on.

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: August 31st, 2004, 5:26 pm
by DJsMX-3
the correct way to do this is like you said with a transistor...

Pretty straight forward stuff,you only need 4 components not counting your LED/LED's,The most important one is something called a IC-protector (This should have the value of about 25mA) and is the fuse that will keep your alarm from dying if you short out the LED outputwire :)

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: September 21st, 2004, 8:46 pm
Thx man I was waiting for a post like that :froggie_red:

That's all i needed :froggie_red:

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: September 21st, 2004, 8:47 pm
Thx man I was waiting for a post like that :froggie_red:

That's all i needed :froggie_red:

Re: Extra LED’s

Posted: September 23rd, 2004, 12:57 pm
by DJsMX-3
Youre welcome :)