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Power Window Lock Bypass?

Posted: August 4th, 2003, 3:54 am
by Nd4SpdSe
I'm just wondering, it been getting real annoying to always accidentally lock the passenger's window...i was thinking today, the only reason why i would wanna do that is to bug the passenger, but it has, for me, no pratical use. Is there a way to bypass it so its always unlocked?<p>Also, just for fun, if there is, what could i use that would-be-now-free-switch for something...hmmm...

Re: Power Window Lock Bypass?

Posted: August 4th, 2003, 7:57 am
by lakersfan1
IF you accidentally hit the switch now ( as I do too....ALLLLLLLLLL the time) you might not want to set it up for anything else. Could you imagine if you set it up for say a nitrous activation switch???? You go to roll down your window at the drive through, hit the NOS, and go rocketing past the drive-through window???

Re: Power Window Lock Bypass?

Posted: August 4th, 2003, 10:19 am
by Acamori
if the switch closes a circuit when in the on posistion you could just go in and disconnect the wires then reconnect them to each other without the switch in between, if it opens a circuit (which i doubt) then just disconnect it and cover the ends of the wires. as for what to do with the switch, you could use it for pretty much anything, though like lakersfan1 said, you may want to be careful what you use it for. i'd say something like lights or something that won't affect driving.

Re: Power Window Lock Bypass?

Posted: August 4th, 2003, 12:59 pm
by killerpickle
you could use it for your power sunroof. that would be awesome..

Re: Power Window Lock Bypass?

Posted: August 4th, 2003, 1:03 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
I dont have a sunroof :( <p>LOL, no2 switch

Re: Power Window Lock Bypass?

Posted: August 4th, 2003, 1:49 pm
by mmonid
Use it as a mouse button for your computer :D :D :D Find a power mirror switch that is like a joystick, and use that to control the mouse. I know you have the touch screen and mouse control on the remote, but I think it would be sweet not having to move from your seat to do something on the computer at a stop light.

Re: Power Window Lock Bypass?

Posted: August 4th, 2003, 4:30 pm
by neverenuff
How bout you use it as a security device. I mean the only way the car would start is if was in the off or on position. The reson i say this is because even if you do have an alarm if the would be theif were to get in your car and within 30-60 seconds found and pulled out the wire harness to your brain guess what the relay for the starter Kill would be disabled so the car would be gone. Now if you used the switch no matter what he does the car wont start unless he knows about the switch.Finaly it wount matter if you accedently hit the switch while driving it only controls the starter. so I hope thats an idea for ya.