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Posted: October 25th, 2002, 6:20 pm
by avio
hey i was wondering if anyone know which alarms are the best , how much they would be approximately and where would they be cheapest in toronto ... <P>thanks ... :)

Re: alarm

Posted: October 25th, 2002, 6:22 pm
by avio
darn !! i didn't recall there was an alarm section of the board ! arg ! i feel stupid ...

Re: alarm

Posted: October 25th, 2002, 11:14 pm
by polak_gino
hey avio, i have a viper they are pretty good, i paid 375 for mine. it matter how much u want to pay. a buddy of mine bought his from canadian for like 75 and it is pretty good, door sensors and everything.<P>if u have lots of cash ind reallt love ur car, go for a pager alarm

Re: alarm

Posted: October 26th, 2002, 12:06 am
by avio
how much is a pager alarm . approx ???

Re: alarm

Posted: October 26th, 2002, 12:11 am
by Wildman640
I have the crimestopper alarm w/pager. got it from ebay for only $150 + $50 to get it installed. The alarm is usually $300 installed. hope that helps

Re: alarm

Posted: October 26th, 2002, 1:39 pm
by kuruption1983
For one of my mx3s i have an alpine one!<BR>its pretty sensetive with the 50 buck more i paid for it, it all came out to 300 bucks canadian @ warden and sheppard avenue!<BR>it soo sensetive that if you walk by it, it will beep twice and pretty damn loud eh!<BR>thas a really good price for that thing eh!<P>latez :D

Re: alarm

Posted: October 26th, 2002, 4:09 pm
by airjordon_09
hey keveh, do you like you alpine alarm, im looking at getting a new one and not sure on which one i wanted or how sensitive i should go, i want sensitive because its better to be safe then sorry but i dont want it to be that sensitive, do you know if alpine makes anyother good ones??

Re: alarm

Posted: October 26th, 2002, 4:41 pm
by kuruption1983
air_jordan, the one i have is a sec-rc001 which was just an impact activated one, and wasnt that sensitive, but if you like touched the car in any place and it would sense the motion it would beep. The noise it would make was kinda low, so i added an extra alpine sensor and a more powerfull alarm, extras cost me 25 bucks with 25 installed, 50 bucks together. and basically the whole thing cost me 300 bucks cash. There was that guy in hamilton, which they used to advertise on energy radio, east hamilton sometin sometin! they had good prices too, but since i am livin in toronto now, i havent been there for a while, there was a gurl called jackie who went to my school, charged me no tax on systems! which was kewl. i dunno if she is workin there anymore eh!<P>anywhoz, alpine one is good, but there might be better ones out, dont go for the name, thats my suggestion. 300 bucks was too much, there was vipers for 170, sometin like concord or sometin like that, that was da s---! it was really nice sounding and sensitive enough! but i went for the name! :D :D <P>i am happy though!<BR>thas it<BR>latez :D :D

Re: alarm

Posted: October 26th, 2002, 6:35 pm
by novadoc
Clifford AG4<P>bit pricey, but you should beable to get the alarm + installation for about a grand<P>as i said, its not cheap<BR>but this alarm has everything you could ever want<P>heres the link for more info <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>AG4</A><P>ive heard good things about the intelliguard and matrix systems too

Re: alarm

Posted: October 27th, 2002, 5:22 pm
by airjordon_09
thanx kev,im looking at getting a new one, i want sensitive for many reasons, and one of the small reasons is because like i think it was andrew who wrote down before little kids keep stealing his chrome caps for his tires, well im having the same problem so i want the kid to go take them again and to have this alarm blow in his face, thats the reason why im getting it sensitive but i cant wait till this little B$^$& gets whats coming to him, i know they only worth 8$ but it gets to be too much when ever i buy new ones, they are gone about a week later, anywho, thanx guys

Re: alarm

Posted: October 27th, 2002, 7:52 pm
by HRO
Jordan, go to east hamilton radio, they have the alpine alarm for 3 bills installed, my gf just got one on her car and that alarm is loud.

Re: alarm

Posted: October 27th, 2002, 9:12 pm
by novadoc
any of you know if the alpine alarms have remote start, immobilizers, or a pager system?<P>let me know<BR>i was gonna go with clifford for they're rep, but thats gonna be diggin pretty deep in my pockets<P>peace

Re: alarm

Posted: October 27th, 2002, 11:37 pm
by Paragon
just so you know, you don't have to spend a grand for a sensitive alarm. most have an adjustable shock sensor. however, if you turn it up too much, a car with exhaust, a truck, or a motorcycle goes by, your alarm goes off, people start to ignore it.

Re: alarm

Posted: October 28th, 2002, 5:55 pm
by loudsubz
IMO alarms are only part of making your car more secure. So many alarms go off these days that not everyone pays attention to them anymore.<P>As for pager alarms, I've heard good and bad, some would not page you when you went 100m from the car, and some worked a bit better.<P>To make your car even less of a target for theives layer up on the security:<P>-Alarm<BR>-Steering wheel lock device, or brake pedal lock<BR>-Fuel kill switch (can be done real chea with just a 12amp switch and some extra wire)