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Viper 360 radar

Posted: September 12th, 2002, 4:24 am
by mitmaks
does anyone here have any viper radar detector, does it work out for u? did it save u from ticket ever? if anyone can please explain how does it really work? does it not let cop radar read how much ure going or what? please explain it <BR>thank you.

Re: Viper 360 radar

Posted: September 12th, 2002, 6:41 am
by millionflame
The only way you can prevent a police officer from reading your speed is to JAM their signal.<P>For radar, this can only be done for the X and K band radar. There is NO device to jam Ka radar (too bad eh, that would be sweet!). No one makes a Ka jammer yet because it's harder than before. The Ka band uses a wide range of frequencies, not just one specific one, making it pretty much impossible without some sort of on-board super-computer jammer.<P>For laser, you can get a few devices, particularily some new ones. Blinder M-10 Plus, K40 Laser Diffuser, some new one from Bel Labs, and maybe some other one. I have the M-10, and the cops NEVER get a laser reading from me on the freeway. Any of the above work though.<P>Oh, one more thing. Any "passive" jammer WILL NOT WORK. Don't believe them for a second. The only way to jam is to get an "active" jammer. They are illegal, but they work. Hide it, and you're set.<P>Anyways, this was long, but I thought I'd share my knowlege of this stuff.<P>~A