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Custom Trunk

Posted: September 10th, 2002, 11:22 am
by millionflame
Does anyone here have any experience in building custom show boxes, trunk fiberglass masterpieces???<P>I really want to make one, for more than just show reasons, but I am clueless on how and where to start. Getting someone else to do it will triple the cost, so any help, as little as it may seem, would be appreciated for me.<P>Thanks a lot.<BR>~A

Re: Custom Trunk

Posted: September 10th, 2002, 4:56 pm
by LiQuId
Gel-Coating is the way to go

Re: Custom Trunk

Posted: September 11th, 2002, 2:25 pm
by tk1138
I'm assuming you want a stealth box as opposed to a rectangular, or prismatic box (or else why go fiberglass?) If you go this route you should get a membership to AAA or something (No spare tire). <P>If you have no experience w/ fiberglass and you want show quality, then go to a shop whos work on other projects you can inspect: look AND listen. If you still want to make your own, read some books on the subject, search the internet for enclosure peramiter design programs, look at other peoples project sites e.g. 'sounddomain'. I would recomend making a practice box first, just to find all the problematic spots. <P>I made a transmision board for my car, deffinatly not show quality on the looks but; It sounds good, I can still use my spare, I have almost the same cargo area & can carry heavy stuff without worry. I would recomend shops if apperance is a big concern, it's cheaper in the long run to do it right the first time.<P>Good Luck.