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Experts-Can isolator (solenoid) go bad and why?

Posted: April 11th, 2002, 12:39 am
by roly_39
I have a battery isolator (aka solenoid) for my two batteries. In the last few days it seems my rear battery (stinger dry cell) has no juice. My amps play for about 2-5 minutes then one or the other cut out. Even if i play it at barely audible levels for 5 minutes. So it's not cutting out because of volume. There's nothing wrond with the amps or head unit. I'm going to check the voltage everywhere tomorrow but can a battery isolator go bad, and what would cause that? Any other ideas? Thanks...

Re: Experts-Can isolator (solenoid) go bad and why?

Posted: April 11th, 2002, 12:51 pm
by axess
Did you check if the amp is too warm or not ?