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disable monitor safety features...

Posted: March 13th, 2002, 1:41 pm
by codene
i have an ma audio (ma700) 7" in dash monitor. i was wanting to know how to by pass the feature that turns the screen off when the car is moving. anyojne know how to do this?

Re: disable monitor safety features...

Posted: March 13th, 2002, 1:51 pm
by loudsubz
I think you just hook up the Emergencie brake wire to another source so it will stay on all the time, like a switch or soemthing.

Re: disable monitor safety features...

Posted: March 13th, 2002, 2:29 pm
by neverenuff
hey people,<BR> well what you have to do is disconect the wire that is hooked up to the e.brake and hook it up to ground. radio ground would be fine.just make sure when you do this try not to watch while driving i almost smashed my mx two weeks ago one of my friends put an porn dvd in while i was driving and well lets just say i know why they have that safty feature.<BR> later

Re: disable monitor safety features...

Posted: March 15th, 2002, 12:06 am
by codene
all right thanx for the help