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putting stock head unit back in

Posted: December 22nd, 2001, 8:47 pm
by Doug93MX3
yo... my car got broken into and all my s--- got jacked a few days ago, and the thieves stole everything plus they decided to smash my console completely and rip up my seats... so anyways, since every single bodyshop in my area is full and not taking appointments, I have to wait until halfway into january to get it fixed. in the meantime, I tired to put my stock unit back in, but it wouldnt turn on or anything. Is there anything i need to know to get it to work? my clock by the fuel gauge doesnt work anymore either, is that related to the stereo being gone? could it be that the wires got ripped up when the ripped the whole cage and unit out? i just need some tunes to get me by while driving and sitting in traffic... plz help!

Re: putting stock head unit back in

Posted: December 22nd, 2001, 10:24 pm
by Maddbuck
Tough luck on the break in :( <P>Anyways just check the drivers side fuse box for the interior lights fuse, may be blown when you put the stock unit back in. The unit is part of that fuse circuit. Also check the others since you are checking for blown fuses.<P>Hope this helps and good luck getting your car back to health.