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Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: December 17th, 2001, 10:52 pm
by Andrew_Pakula
Tonight I came to my car to find the passenger door slightly open, at first it didn't look like anything was taken because the deck was still there.<P>However once I got in the car I saw my Sony Amp and 12" Clarion Subwoofer dissconnected and gone, as well about 30 cd's also stolen :(<P>It looks like they were interested in taking the deck and the cd changer but there was no face plate on it and both would have been harder and more time consuming to remove.<P>I'm guessing because of the alarm they didn't stick around long, only long enough to grab the easy stuff and take off.<P>Since my car is parked in an underground parking lot from my apartment I have always been kind of worried that this day would come. I suppose it could have been worse and I am still worried that they might return to get the rest of the stuff.<P>I guess I am s*it out of luck since my deductable is $500 anyways, there is no point, its a no-win situtation.<P>It just makes me so mad that I work so hard for my money and I take pride in what I own that when people like this do this it really pisses me off. It's not fair, but then again life isn't fair, there will always be losers lurking around your car trying to ripp you off when you least expect it.<p>[ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: Andrew Pakula ]

Re: Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: December 17th, 2001, 11:51 pm
by loudsubz
Sorry to hear that man. Makes me sick when you work so hard and people who dont want to work for it decide to snatch it.<P>Hope everythign works out in the long run.

Re: Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: December 18th, 2001, 9:16 am
by VizualXTC
Dood, sux to hear that. Last New Years Day, I got my truck broken into, and my deck, amp, and 150CD's were jacked. I hope you got your serial numbers off your amp and sub. If not, when you get a new system make sure you get them. Sorry to hear about your stuff tho. Any dammage to your car?

Re: Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: December 18th, 2001, 10:57 am
by Andrew_Pakula
Luckily nothing was done to my car.

Re: Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: December 19th, 2001, 4:58 pm
by Andrew_Pakula
Overall thought its a downer since its almost christmas :(

Re: Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: December 19th, 2001, 8:34 pm
by KingFisher
Well it's at least good that your car wasn't damaged, and like you said it is true, life is not fair, no matter how hard we work there are always LOSERS and low lifes who fuc$ with things like this!!!!

Re: Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: December 19th, 2001, 10:17 pm
by MrsOzx
I have had both my cars broken into 3 times all togather in the las 6 months. $500 deductable a pop. In fact I just got my lude back today. But I was not so lucky w/it. They did not really mess up my mx that bad, but they either stole or messed up everything on or in my Lude. Did over 15,000 worth of dammage completely destroyed it.... :D <BR>I know how you feel though man. Chances are they will not be back though. They know you will be watching your car.. [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: December 20th, 2001, 9:23 pm
by KWK MX3
Andrew i feel your pain.<BR>A month ago i came home to notice my RCA wires hanging out of my trunk. They smashed the passenger window only after bending the drivers door latch to an ugly mess. They took my 15in JBL (dont ask me how) and my amp. Sucks because i use that sub for a bass cabinet when i bass in my band. Funny because my deck wasnt stolen. I guess they only got as far as flipping the face down.<BR>Had to have been some punks who saw a nice car. Next time im leaving tacks all over my seat or one pissed off doberman in the car next time.

Re: Car broken into... amp, subwoofer stolen

Posted: January 2nd, 2002, 3:36 pm
by Madjeep
Hey Dude I'm sorry to hear about your car. I agree there really are some low lifes out there. I have over $1000 between a Alpine Deck and Cd Changer that I plan on having installed. I also have to 12" Polk Audio with a custom made Cabinet. With Three Amps stacked. I bought off a friend. But I don't know if I want to take the chance of loosing my MX-3 and all of my equipment. Will insurance cover the equipment. (Madjeep)