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It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 12:49 am
by Shady469
Does anybody else know what I'm talking about when I say "tuning" is extremely addictive? Right now I'm in the process of swapping in a BP and it seems like I have done nothing but work on the swap every single chance I get. All my free time is dedicated to it. The sad thing is this is the forth time I've put a motor in the MX-3 and it's been like this every other time as well. I'm the kind of person that has to see something I start through to the end, which kind of sucks because I can't focus on anything else.
Alot of the time I don't mind though. I would rather spend time working on the car than doing pretty much anything else; even if this means just cleaning the engine bay.
I'm not complaining in the least bit. I feel pretty fortunate to have the automotive knowledge I have and it all came from hands on experience I wouldn't trade for the world. "Tuning" definately has it's plusses: I have met the majority of my friends because of it. It has helped me stay out of trouble oddly enough (no money to party).
I don't really know what the point of this post is but I thank you for reading it. I guess I just wanted to know who else has the same passion I have for modifying cars...

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 2:30 am
by DVH
yeah for sure, me too..i just love it and love checking out other cars...and probably the best thing is learning new things and doing it your self, thats a good feeeling :driver:

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 11:00 am
by nos92mx3
That reminds me of a time a friend of mine got pulled over and i was in the car with him.
The cop asked him why do you put so much money into your car.
He says because its a sickness.
Shady Im the same way man.
when your waiting for a part in the mail do you run to your window when you here a door slam thinking its the delivery man? Yea... i believe sickness about describes it.

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 12:49 pm
by fry_81
i got the sickness too lol :2thumbsup:

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 4:04 pm
by babyblueMX3
I have the same disease as you guys :( but I like it and don't want to be cured :( but it makes your car go faster :D

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 4:36 pm
by Pedro_mx3
amen to that, i got the "disease" too, must have swept thru the UK about 4 years ago when i got my first car, didnt know a thing then, but when the engine went i jus got in there knee deep with a rebuild, polish an added 'extras' :2thumbsup: . Now im pretty happy doin any job. my MX will be no different, if its a drug them Mazda is my dealer... :2thumbsup:

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 5:20 pm
by babyblueMX3
Originally posted by Pedro_MX-3:
if its a drug them Mazda is my dealer... :2thumbsup:
haha I like that one

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 6:46 pm
by DavidOS
its all starts with the cai lol or some wheels or an exhaust or those ricer blue lights that you spray your windshield with.

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 21st, 2004, 7:11 pm
by JWMX3
when i first got my car all i wanted was a system..... now its a motor and tranny swap with a bunch of performance parts, and i didnt even get to the system... im definetly hooked :welder:

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 23rd, 2004, 7:24 pm
by mykel78
Oh yeah, I'm down with the sickness as well, lol

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 24th, 2004, 7:25 am
by Franko
Ohh we all have it..
All I spend money on is my car.. My fridge is always empty and that kinda sucks, sometimes I just have to say to myself "ok frank, this cheque is going to food and not the car".
I no longer look at the cost of things the same way.. Instead of a price Ill look at like 'ohh well that is only 3 pay cheques and I could get that'. Another thing is those damn credit cards, they are like your best friend and your worst enemy at the same time. Some days I feel very impulsive and I could buy anything. Like I might wake up in the middle of the night and buy a bumper or an msd ignition or seats or something else crazy. In fact, the bpt was an impulse buy.. It was 4:00 in the morning and I was browsing around on ebay, I had just got a credit increase a few days earlier, and I came across the bpt.. Perhaps it was my state of sleepyness or just tempoary insanity but whatever it was a few weeks later I had a japanese engine sitting in my basement. I had it for almost a year before I got it in, and every night I had nightmares that it was seized up or something else terrible.. What a risk I took getting that off the internet but ohh well it all worked out for the best. =)
I am sure that it will happen again in the not too distant future.. I think that I am going to impulse buy a body kit or something under similar circumstances. :D

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 24th, 2004, 7:34 am
by Franko
Heres a fine example of an impulse buy..
<img src="" alt=" - " />
Traxxas t-maxx.. It was quite a few dollars and runs on nitro. Now that I have it I am glad I bought it, its alot of fun to use when youre bored.

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 24th, 2004, 8:51 am
by papa roached
:p im sick too

<small>[ November 24, 2004, 07:51 AM: Message edited by: papa roached ]</small>

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 24th, 2004, 6:02 pm
by Ma-Ze
im addicted to boost

Re: It's like a drug...

Posted: November 24th, 2004, 6:40 pm
by babyblueMX3
Originally posted by Ma-Ze:
im addicted to boost
fcker :p ..oh well I'll be there soon