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I hate moving!!!!!

Posted: June 17th, 2004, 5:42 pm
by cjthor
Just need to vent...I am moving about 20 miles from my current residense for a bigger place. I kiiinda have most of the house packed and decided to go in the garage and start there. 3 hours into it I noticed I havent even dented the garage.
<img src=" ... 0_full.jpg" alt=" - " />
<img src=" ... 1_full.jpg" alt=" - " />
I think I have twice as much stuff as I did when I moved in initially. Its gonna take me a month just to pack the garage!!!

Re: I hate moving!!!!!

Posted: June 17th, 2004, 5:46 pm
by papa roached
whats the motor go to

Re: I hate moving!!!!!

Posted: June 17th, 2004, 5:56 pm
by cjthor
That motor goes to the Jeep you cant see in the pic. The clear boxes next to my toolbox has all my spare engine parts for the MX3 including a B6t and a spare head, crankshaft, intake mani and a few other odds and ends. Waaayyyy too much crap.

Re: I hate moving!!!!!

Posted: June 17th, 2004, 11:44 pm
by mitmaks
well at least youre lucky, having garage, ive got 3 cars and no garage

Re: I hate moving!!!!!

Posted: June 18th, 2004, 11:18 am
by monty73741
give me ur motorcycle.....lest to move
dont worry i movin in a month too.......
I have a garage full of stuff & my house too

Re: I hate moving!!!!!

Posted: June 20th, 2004, 1:28 am
by Meep
I don't even have a drive way... haha yep that's apartment living for you...

Re: I hate moving!!!!!

Posted: June 23rd, 2004, 7:30 pm
by tical
i am one of the fortunate ones. my dad has done body work all his life. so not only do i have acess to all his tools, but he also has a 4 bay garage. the garage has an atic too, its all redone. im moving in at the end of this month.....this means, if i wake up in the middle of the night and insist i have to go f*ck with my car. i can just walk down stairs and do whatever. :love: :2thumbsup:

Re: I hate moving!!!!!

Posted: June 23rd, 2004, 7:40 pm
by papa roached
you sux, are you Derrick or someone else in WV? im moving to WV in a month and im gonna finish out my MX, maybe we should hook up and chill sometime after i get my MX done?