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My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 10:14 am
by MX3ChiCk95
Does anyone have advice on how to open my doors? I got a car wash yesterday and now my locks are frozen solid. I used a hairdryer yesterday and it worked, but I don't want to have to do that EVERYDAY you know? Will it EVER un-freeze? Someone PLEASE HELP :(

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 10:47 am
by tivo0131
get some lock de-icer happens to me every year and the de-icer works every time......just don't keep it in your car cause then it will do no can get it anywhere ( walmart or any store like that)good luck

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 11:00 am
by MX3ChiCk95
Thanks a lot, I'll go to Target today. Hope its not too expensive.

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 11:13 am
by Sonicxtacy02
i'm guessing you're a girl by your name, use a hair dryer ;)

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 11:16 am
by MX3ChiCk95
Hehe, yeah. I did use a hairdryer and it did work, but my locks are STILL frozen. I don't want to keep blow drying them every morning. I need something that will work for good. arrrrrrrrrgggggg.

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 11:20 am
by closer
get the same problem here in Ontario all the time... be careful about how much you force the key... MX-3 (or Mazda for that matter) keys are poorly designed... very weak in the midsection... and are prone to bedning and snapping... left half in the trunk one cold day a few years back...<P>definitely _do not_ use WD-40... its water based and will eventually make things worse...<P>I use a product called slick 'n shine from our local hardware store... its silicone based and holds up much better, even in the cold...<P>good luck, and be careful about what days you get your car washed... better on a sunny day and at least mid day...

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 11:27 am
by MX3ChiCk95
oo..don't use WD-40? I was just going to use it too. Good thing you told me. How about a de-icer from Target? Nothing bad in that? =x Ah, I have the worst luck.

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 12:49 pm
by Sonicxtacy02
keyless entry ;).

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 12:58 pm
by your2slow
Or you can get those key defroster devices that heat up...I know you can get them at canadian tire, wal-mart and stores like that. Goes right on your key chain

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 1:17 pm
by manitobamx3
I bought some lock d icer for $150 so its not expensive and it works like a charm. I also got the strongest mazda door key made about a month with the black handle and its already bent like crazy

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 1:23 pm
by 992mmx3
Heated garage works for me. ;)

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 1:31 pm
by your2slow
LOL :D :D :D Heated garage works here too. ;)

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 3:32 pm
by monty73741
you could see if the hact opens & climb in<BR>i peed on mine last time they froze<BR>but your a girl so guess u cant aim<BR>i just put stuff in before it gets cold usually<BR>jason

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 3:58 pm
by your2slow
LOL @ peeing on your car. Well just cause she is a girl doesn't mean she can do it. she could get a cup and ping in the cup then spread it all over :D

Re: My Locks are FROZEN and I can't open my doors!!!!! HELP

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 8:31 pm
by cjthor
LOL!! Pee on your car huh?? I guess thats about as bad as needing antifreeze in the middle of nowhere and having to go potty. Worked good!!@@!!