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Stupid idiots

Posted: January 6th, 2004, 4:25 am
by Franko
So it turns out that the people that I work for are complete retards. I work at this car audio and performance place and I think that my time there is up. On friday I couldent come in because I didnt get any sleep the night before and now they are crying like little b*tches because I couldent come in. When I came in monday they told me to go home... wtf? I dont even know if I am fired because they were so vague about it. I can only assume that I am.. not like I care. When you are treated like total crap, get worked like a dog and get paid next to nothing ($4 an hour cdn) I think that it is safe to say that I could give a crap that I dont work there anymore. But my problem now is that my mx and my bpt are up in the god damn shop. My mx was in storage and now they have it parked outside.. what a bunch of children. I am only 20 and they are like 27, 28 and they are acting like bloody children. How unbelieveably childish. Now I need somewhere to put my car and my engine.. Sigh... what am I to do.

Ohhhh and just so you know what kind of guy one of them is, he said to me "what are you doing storing a precidia anyway? it's a piece of crap."
hmmmmm let me see what he is driving.... Ohh yeah.. his MOMS cavalier.. :mad:

<small>[ January 08, 2004, 04:49 AM: Message edited by: Franko ]</small>

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 6th, 2004, 10:19 pm
by mitmaks
well theres bunch of retards out yesterday....I was taking mom to university, since her car wouldn't start..too cold and battery was old on it. So Im driving along on this snowy street about 20mph, sleek everywhere and I stop behind this 2nd gen -92-95 mercury tracer. Everyone buzzes by, light is red for long time. And what do I see? this punk kid looking in his rear view mirror, side mirror, checking out my car (and he had some chick or little kid and he puts brake and gas at same time, making back of car move in air some, imitating hydraulics??? im like wtf dude. Then he puts it in neutral and starts revving his mighty 1.9 4 banger. Im all pissed off by this time, I hate kids like that, so then he quits for second and light turns green and he almost ran into my car with his back, since dumb **** didnt put it in D, so Im really pissed, all cussing, Id shoot mofo if I had gun in my glove compartment. He goes and I honk since time he almost run into my front, too bad my mom was being already bit late to university or Id follow punk to his house and see what the f was his problem and if he wanna do something about lets go to race track and race me, instead of showing off his mighty T-ricer. man man...theres all kinds of ****s, on streets, working with you, your bosses. Dude wanna join my gang? we gonna go kick ricers butts and have fun.

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 12:48 am
by Spydie
WTF????? $4 CDN????
that's below minimum wage.....that's below our national poverty level too I think.
You're better off.
tell 'em to take their job and their $4 and cram it.

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 1:28 am
by marshmallow15
Originally posted by mitmaks:
Id follow punk to his house and see what the f was his problem and if he wanna do something about lets go to race track and race me,
hehe i thought you were going to say you'll follow him home and then get into a fight with him, not challenge him to a race :)

but that sucks to hear what happened franko. 4 cdn is like 8 usd around there? here in the US anything under $7.25 or something like that below minimum wage is illegal.

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 1:33 am
by kuruption1983
dude, 4 bucks an hour!! :p
theres g2 be something that kept you there, cuz futureshop pays 10$ + commision.

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 1:44 am
by Spydie
Originally posted by marshmallow15:
Originally posted by mitmaks:

but that sucks to hear what happened franko. 4 cdn is like 8 usd around there? here in the US anything under $7.25 or something like that below minimum wage is illegal.
$4 USD is $5.15 CDN

and I wouldn't work for anything less than I'm getting now.....which is in the $20's/hr

<small>[ January 08, 2004, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Darren Hyderman ]</small>

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 2:21 am
by Mnemonic
****, they pay anywhere from 13-35 an hour at shops around here, just depending on your skill level

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 8:17 am
by quicksliver
He is probably makin' $4/h AFTER taxes people. That's $320.00 (take home) every two weeks if he worked 80 hours. Cause $6.85 * 80 is $548 (BEFORE TAXES). So $4.00/h sounds about right if that's what he is taking home from a minimum wage job.

PLUS do you really think this guy can afford gas/ mx-3/rims/low profile tires/altezzas/BPT Engine/Insurance/Oil Changes/etc. On $4.00 an hour? I didn't think so...unless he is stupid and going furthur and furthur into debt like the majority of Americans.

<small>[ January 07, 2004, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: Quick Sliver ]</small>

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 10:09 am
by Custommx3
Live mid-market rates as of 2004.01.07 14:09:44 GMT.
4.00 CAD = 3.10466 USD

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 10:09 am
by Franko
I had everything done to the car before I got the job there. The only thing that put me in debt was the engine which I still cant pay off yet because I dont make enough to buy food and make payments at the same time. I need a better job... one where it is not such a challenge to get things done with my car. Where I can have enough money to do what I want and not worry about it.

But they never pay me on time either.. if they pick up lunch or something without asking me during the week, by the time the end of the week comes they are deducting what they spent on that from my pay so I end up getting like 150 a week.. I didnt ask for a lunch every day yet they always get it.. and if it is not that it is always something else, some other way to scam me out of money. To hell with that place I have to get a new job..

Ohh and I am Canadian :)

<small>[ January 07, 2004, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Franko ]</small>

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 1:57 pm
by Mnemonic
Originally posted by Quick Sliver:
unless he is stupid and going furthur and furthur into debt like the majority of Americans.
Yea cause you know us americans, we love being in debt

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 2:12 pm
by 992mmx3
Originally posted by Mnemonic:
Originally posted by Quick Sliver:
unless he is stupid and going furthur and furthur into debt like the majority of Americans.
Yea cause you know us americans, we love being in debt
I think he took offense to a comment an American said (don't know which one) and responded like that...for some reason. :roll: Weird.

A job is there for you to go to. If you worked for me and I found out you didn't show up to work because you slept in, I'd fire you as well.

It sucks that they are ****s to you, but if you don't bother to show up to work because you are tired, they probably aren't going to respect you too much.

Get your priorities straight. Bills come first, save up some money for emergencies, then supe up the car last. Have fun when all responsibilites are taken care of.

My $.02.

Oh, and you spelled idiots wrong.

<small>[ January 07, 2004, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: 992mmx3 ]</small>

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 7:00 pm
by johnnyb
interesting fact:

did you know in North America 3/4 of all credit card payments were deliquent last year in the 4th quarter. Heard that on the radio today

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 8th, 2004, 6:04 am
by Franko
*Sigh* I said nothing about americans.. I just said that I was canadian.. thats all.. I took no offence about it.. americans are a-ok :confused2: But seriously they ARE overreacting.. I havent taken one sick day since I worked there and I was always in before anyone got there waiting for someone to open the door. I would be there at 9:00 and someone woulden't show up until like 9:45. Now how fair is that? Also I find myself carting people around all the time, taking people home and to the store and crap like that burning MY gas. I brought one of them home one day which is like 25 minutes away and I didnt have any gas so I asked them for some gas money.. they gave me 10 bucks and I put that much in and burned it bringing them home, the next day I came in and he wanted his money back.. said he "loaned it" to me. He must have ate alot of paint chips as a kid. :freak:

Re: Stupid idiots

Posted: January 8th, 2004, 11:45 am
by monty73741
well it sound like the people suck.........u what i would do.....find another JOB......but that besides the neighbor, what he does for extra money he worked @ a tint shop & learn how to tint windows...ran a ad in a local paper....& tints windows.......

jason danaher