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Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 1:13 am
by mitmaks
hey guys, just wondering what would be better to get for my bro? xbor or game cube i know that supposedly xbox plays dvd's but i dont need that. i have dvd player already. What else is good vs each other. which one is more fun etc etc.. let me know

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 2:26 am
by Pearl-JapSpec
get him a ps2....
xbox controllers are horrible and gamecube is just crap...
but if the two systems were to fall off a truck and i could only carry one.. then it would be x-box.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 4:42 am
by Spydie
PS2!!! :2thumbsup:

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 2:10 pm
by johnnyb
how old is your brother?

If he's young go for the Gamecube, its geared towards a younger audience and is more durable than the Xbox and PS2. And price is better for a gamecube $99 US. If you're looking for Graphics then get an Xbox. However if you want the best driving game out there and able to drive your car get a PS2 and then buy GT4 on Jan 5th.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 5:13 pm
by Spydie
actually PS2 has comparable graphics.....ever see Silent Hill 3? WHOA!!!!

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 5:47 pm
by Pearl-JapSpec
i agree ps2!

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 5:51 pm
by mitmaks
Originally posted by Darren Hyderman:
actually PS2 has comparable graphics.....ever see Silent Hill 3? WHOA!!!!
comparable graphics to game cube?

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 9:10 pm
by millionflame
Originally posted by Pearl-JapSpec:
get him a ps2....
xbox controllers are horrible and gamecube is just crap...
but if the two systems were to fall off a truck and i could only carry one.. then it would be x-box.
Get him an XBOX.

PS2 controllers such major monkey balls - they're SOOO small and the buttons are hard to get to without bending your fingers in ten different ways.

And yeah, Gamecube sux! What a waste.

PS2 has more games as of now, but the XBOX is coming on strong and getting more and more games all the time.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 9:56 pm
by airjordon_09
man, **** x box, its ok, but if you are spending the money, just buy a ps2, wayyyyy better, the x box's controllers are way to big and everything i personally think on them is ****ed. good system, but would take ps2 over both anyday, and now that i got need for speed underground, i never leave my ps2 alone (yes i am aware the game is for other systems)


Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: November 30th, 2003, 10:31 pm
by mitmaks
hes only 12 and doesnt need expensive system, just something to play with, but ive got one (gamecube) off of ebay.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 1st, 2003, 12:56 pm
by johnnyb
good choice for a 12 yr old. Did you get the 4 free zelda games to go with it? They're having a promotion right now for that.

And for my earlier comments about xbox having better graphics. What I meant is the potential is better for the xbox over the ps2

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 1st, 2003, 1:56 pm
by 992mmx3
Okay, there is an adaptor out there for using any controller for any system. Don't let buying a system be swayed by how a controller feels. This should have no bearing as you can always get controllers or special controllers/steering wheels etc.

Buy a consel for performance, functionality, and game titles.

If you like RPG's, PS2 has an exclusive title to the Final Fantasy series.

Racing, PS2 has the GT series which is hands down the best out there.

For function, I'd definitely pick an X-Box. It has a built in hard drive, and some games even let you dl your own music onto the games. You can also record cd's onto the hard drive and use it as sort of a juke box. There is also no immediate need for memory cards.

They also have very good 1st person shooter games such as Halo.

X-Box also has the ability to plug in 4 controllers straight out of the box, while with PS2, a multi-tap is needed.

Game Cube is mostly purchased for game titles such as Zelda, and the Mario games. I personally think that they have the best Star Wars games.

Another thing to consider about PS2 and X-Box. The X-Box's dvd playing quality is better in the long run over the PS2's. Over time, the PS2's ability to play dvd's lowers. Sony has made an effort to correct this by making a dual reader PS2, you will notice this by a small plus sign in the bottom right hand of the PS2 display box.

I'd personally go with a PS2 over the X-Box, but if you're going to choose between X-Box and Gamecube...go for the X-Box.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 1st, 2003, 6:25 pm
by Spydie
Originally posted by mitmaks:
Originally posted by Darren Hyderman:
actually PS2 has comparable graphics.....ever see Silent Hill 3? WHOA!!!!
comparable graphics to game cube?
no XBox

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 1st, 2003, 8:54 pm
by UoMDeacon
Speaking from the position that I have both a PS2 and an XBox, I would say to probably buy your little bro the PS2. There are just more games out there at better prices (think previously owned) than the XBox right now. Personally I prefer the Box to the PS2, because I have found the graphics to be far better on the Box. There are exceptions, but generally it's a straight up hardware issue, the current XBox is far beyond what the PS2 can pump out in pure memory performace (notice, not bandwidth because Sony uses a pretty innovative system), along with being superior in the polygon and shading department.

If you people are complaining about the XBox controllers being too large...hmmm...the 'S' controllers are pretty damn nice and feel much more comfortable to me than the PS2.

But I think the biggest deciding factor is the games available for the systems, like someone has already pointed out. But on the plus side of the XBox, they are easy as hell to mod :-) My friend has his set up right now as a file/mp3/movie server on his network, along with using it as a game system.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 3rd, 2003, 11:05 pm
by Talon_66
Just get the Xbox hacked and its all the gaming systems rolled into 1