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Posted: July 14th, 2003, 4:04 am
by lucky13
Sucks man. All week I spend my time cleaning my car, first car wash then interior, then rims and tires, at last little details. Last night I left a soda can (sprite) in the back seat on the floor. I did not see it there. This morning my grilfriend and I get in the car and she asks me "baby what's that" :(

Re: pop

Posted: July 14th, 2003, 8:05 am
by guyaverage
I had a similar problem. Flew down to Orlando, rented a Nissam Altima (nice car), made a bee line from the airport to the local quick stop for a 12 pack of Bud, threw it in the trunk, driving to the hotel I whip around a corner and WHUMP! Psssssssssssssss...and the sweet smell of Budweiser fills the cabin. Pulled over, the 12 pack broke open and a couple of cans got pierced and were spraying all over the trunk. No big deal, gathered up the good ones, left the pierced ones in the trunk, figured I'd clean it out later. Well, that was Saturday, "later" turned into Friday. Opened the trunk, a lump of 4 day old El Paso roadkill would have smelled better than the Hell's fury that hit my nose. It was worse than Satans toilet. I fell sorry for the poor bastard at the rental place at the airport that had to clean that one out. It was HIDEOUS.

Re: pop

Posted: July 14th, 2003, 11:26 pm
by Aaron MacDougall
haha how about a small tub of yougert in the trunk of my altima (behind the carpet where the jack is...don't as how it got there) in the heat for 3 weeks and i didn't even know it was there...thank god it only started smelling yesterday and i found it quick.