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Cussin... all that fu*kin cussin

Posted: June 8th, 2003, 5:38 am
by Franko
Man it is kinda of annoying how you arent allowd to swear on the message board.. it is not like there are any kids here or anything.. I mean there are adults talking about cars and stuff and I really think that swearing should be allowd.. sometimes it is needed to get your point across.. nothing drives me crazy more then when I am reading someones post and they say something like "man I was so sick of all that ****" ohh god... anyway crap **** **** *** tits ***** **** balls poop!!!!! hehe who cares it is all blocked out anyway....

Re: Cussin... all that fu*kin cussin

Posted: June 8th, 2003, 5:53 am
by Custommx3
The language is on because many people on the board prefer not to read it.

Re: Cussin... all that fu*kin cussin

Posted: June 8th, 2003, 6:22 am
by Franko
Yeah I suppose so... but still I dont see why it would bother someone.. I can understand if the language is used against another person on the board but I just never understood why bad language is considered bad language anyway it is just words just like everything else just another way of talking about something. I dont see why it is anymore wrong to say the f word as it is to say cat.. it is all words it is all just another way to describe a feeling or an event.. Mabey I am just crazy or something.. It is like we are racist against words here! haha :)

Re: Cussin... all that fu*kin cussin

Posted: June 8th, 2003, 1:38 pm
by mx3man83
I agree with you. Every other board ive been to does not have the language sensor activated. I also wish we could talk about street racing! Once again, all the other boards ive been to are allowed to.

Re: Cussin... all that fu*kin cussin

Posted: June 8th, 2003, 7:14 pm
by johnnyb
if they're just words why make such a fuss about it?
Why do you need to talk about street racing, doing something illegal or almost killing someone doing it?

Re: Cussin... all that fu*kin cussin

Posted: June 8th, 2003, 7:47 pm
by The_Great_Tonge
blaa blaa blaa, the cursing is one thing. you should learn how to articulate and not need to curse. but ometimes curse words are the only words you can think of the describe something or someone. about the street racing thing, i saw we should be able to talk about it. jeff says its illegal to talk about it on the board, which it is not. we had a discussion about this in one of my law classes, these UBB are allowed the freedom of free speech, so we can say anything we want on here without the person in charge(jeff) being at fault. It is jeff personal choice not to have street racing talked about on the board, which i wish he would express instead of saying he would be at fault if someone gets hurt.

Re: Cussin... all that fu*kin cussin

Posted: June 8th, 2003, 8:14 pm
by VizualXTC
I have to admit I get called on my language often on this board. I have been asked frequently to edit my posts for language. I think it's silly to put on the language screen because like said before, we're all adults. But, this is how you have to think about it. It's Jeff's site. If Jeff wants the language screen's on. If he don't want street racing posts....there are none. Now, if there was a fee required to participate, then by all means he should do what WE want. But he's doing this as a charity to us. He's spending his own money to keep this site up, so what he wants goes. Besides, if you wanna boast about killing an Eclipse GSX, go to a DSM site. You'll get better response there. If you wanna tell about how you beat that Teg R by a car length, But like I said, this is Jeff's site, and I think he does a damn good job about running it. We should take it as it is.