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meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 12th, 2003, 2:43 pm
by canadian_ice
Hey guys,<p>My roommate met some 16 year old girl on the internet and now hes going out with her (by the way, he's 20) - any thoughts? I think it's f$%£ing wierd!!!

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 12th, 2003, 2:49 pm
by kuruption1983
not really,,, :D :D
email me, i will send ya instructionz,,, just jokes, :D
back to studin economics,, Image

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 12th, 2003, 9:42 pm
by airjordon_09
i "heard" kev likes to put himself under female names in the chat rooms and go after civic owners. thats why he is all for internet dating :p :p :p <p>haha<p>peace bro

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 13th, 2003, 12:21 am
by mx3man83
Hey, I'll admit it..ive met some girls online and ive had my fair share of luck with it too ;) Let's just say you meet ALL kinds of girls online..

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 13th, 2003, 12:50 am
by kuruption1983
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by airjordon_09:
i "heard" kev likes to put himself under female names in the chat rooms and go after civic owners. thats why he is all for internet dating<hr></blockquote><p>WTF,,,,,Image

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 13th, 2003, 2:29 pm
by airjordon_09
hahaha, oh sorry bro, i meant to say steve haha<p> peace

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 13th, 2003, 5:46 pm
by zytariuk
...the bar is by far the best place to meet a chick :p .

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 13th, 2003, 10:39 pm
by Len-Dogg
No the bar sucks for meeting girls. I have been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years now and I actually met her on ICQ. Many of you guys probably don't know what that is, but it was an instant messaging program before AOL had their program. Actually ICQ was way better than AOL IM in many ways, but we won't get into that. LOL Anyway, you can meet cool people online, but you need to take time, talk to them for a while, get pics, talk on the phone all that before going to meet them finally.

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 14th, 2003, 12:32 am
by mx3man83
I bet the bars are fun but i just cant go since im only 19.

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 14th, 2003, 8:37 am
by HRO
You've gotta move to Canada, to come gamble and drink, lol.

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 15th, 2003, 4:37 pm
by lady_venom
I am from Calgary but I just moved here from Vancouver BC last year. Ive met ppl from ALL over the world off the net all the way from Austrailia to North Bay Ontario.
I know everyone on we are all wicked friends =) (in the calgary forums that is)

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 25th, 2003, 3:28 am
by Silkwyrm
Well, I've met a pretty good number of women through IRC,ICQ, various internet singles pages etc. I have found at the bars you often meet women you have nothing in common with. But you were both drinking, she was hot. And it maybe fun for a while but i could never find what I was looking for. The Internet gives you the ability to look for certain interests, beliefs etc, that maybe important to you before you ever start interacting with the person. I have now been married to my wonderful wife for 3 years, after having met her on an Internet dating site. I think it is a fantastic way to meet women when you are looking for that special someone.<p>Now the issue of her being 16, and he being 20. I'm not so sure thats a good thing. Who I am as a person has changed a lot from the age of 20 to my now 34 years of age. But it had changed many times more from the age of 16 to 20. I think shes too young for a serious relationship. And if the intent is just to have fun, well its hard to imagine thats not going to involve sexual contact. I dont know about Canada, but in most states in the US thats illegal unless both are minors.<p>My 2 Cents,

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 26th, 2003, 2:08 pm
by mitmaks
yes exactly what Rick said...u have to meet girl and see what kind of person she is before getting involved into serious relationship, they say girls mature faster but not all do.

Re: meeting chicks on the internet

Posted: April 26th, 2003, 2:18 pm
by reSa
haha in hawaii we've got a lot of girls meeting guys on the internet and flying out to the mainland. im taking my friend to the airport next week so she can go to virginia to meet her internet boyfriend. most of the girls happen to be really young...which isn't a big deal...cos the legal age here was 14...up until a year or two ago. now it's 16.