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Posted: October 25th, 2002, 3:55 am
by nicolasbeique
Well everyone,<P>alot of you saw the teaser that was made about 6 weeks ago<P>well its October 25th and the site is finally online!!! :clap: I suggest that you turn up your speakers and click on the link below:<P><A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Sphere Graphics v.2.0.1</A> <P>The company is starting to do pretty well. We are always looking for more work so if you know anyone who is interested in having their website developed, it would be kind to reffer them to us!<P>Thanks for all the support from all the members that sent us comments on the teaser. MOST APPRECIATED!<P>Enjoy! :)


Posted: October 25th, 2002, 8:33 am
by polak_gino
your site issick man! i dont kow wat else to say. some of ur work is amazing bro. i wish i could do some of that stuff, keep up the good work


Posted: October 25th, 2002, 12:46 pm
by Guest
Really tight Flash man, I tried learning that stuff with Flash 5, but I just couldnt get it, I totally wish I could. That is one of the nicest, if not the nicest, Flash sites I've ever seen. Great job!


Posted: October 25th, 2002, 1:11 pm
by Xero


Posted: October 25th, 2002, 1:41 pm
by Mnemonic
good design content and graphic wise but i would suggest being a fellow graphic designer to try to cut down the load time took a bit to long to load and could discourage some people <P>but nice site


Posted: October 25th, 2002, 2:42 pm
by Custommx3
yea, but most people who would visit his site, dont dial up. Its obviosu that itsa business trying to get customers. Mr whoever that owns a local hardware store wont be the one who ask him for a web page, I would assume he designs for a larger companies market.


Posted: October 25th, 2002, 2:48 pm
by kuruption1983
SSSIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCKKK job bro!!<BR>that was one sick flash, nicely done eh!<BR>how'd ya get those 3D arrows in there, i always wished i could do these! but i guess i g2 my own stuff! LOL<BR>And plz tell me what the background flash intro track is! thas a tight track eh!<BR>And for the main site's rollin background, ask anyone or any DJ with a sampler, to create ya a nice loop sample. I dont have a sampler, cuz i spent all my money on Cars! but that tracl ends @ some point and then just replays, if you take a look @ <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> i made the track loops when i had a sampler, for a friend who was doin the site in toronto, Its a polish model agency! ( i dunno if the tracks are still there though)<P>All around, sick site bro!<BR>keep it up eh!<BR>latez :D<p>[ October 25, 2002: Message edited by: kuruption1983 ]


Posted: October 25th, 2002, 2:56 pm
by Guest
I got a Sampler, Roland SP-202, nice as hell, few years old though, but still has some really tight effects.


Posted: October 28th, 2002, 5:19 pm
by loudsubz
looks real nice, just womdering what paul oakenfold song is it.


Posted: October 28th, 2002, 8:00 pm
by Guest
thats a wicked awesome site man, but i think you listed the minimum CPU requirements a bit high, i only have a P2 350 and it ran fine, and you said i needed a 500...


Posted: October 28th, 2002, 11:29 pm
by Paragon
Nic - what programs did you use to make that site? i see some flash, but i'm curious about the 3d modeling.


Posted: October 30th, 2002, 2:31 am
by mx3chom
love the site man. u are amazing. i tried to use flash once, but it ended in mad disaster. i love the mx-3's u have done. i have the blue one as my desktop. my friends and i always share sites like this so ill be sure to send yours out now.<P>later,<BR>dominic