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sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 12:25 pm
by xtreme_X
well happend 16/10/02 yesterday , some guy committed sucide :( :( :( he jump off a bride ,if your in canada he jump off in queen or clark street in brampton and for people that don't know ,he was jumping toward the highway which is 410, now this is sort of relate to cars but not ours (i think god) ,as he jump off the bride a bmw was the only car that hit him. (What doing you thing the guy or person did ,did he stop and check "dent so huh" ??? or did HIT AND RUN,what would You do?) :eek: :eek: After hitting the guy the bmw just drivo as fast as he could, he panic (i would) but now the guy is totally f##k or is he. It was so sad everybody was going throught the side street, all you see was a slapsh of red paint on the highway.<P>Honestlyi i don't feel sorry for the guy that die,he's a sinner GOD should be the one too decide if you should live or die, not you. This might might worng to say but 410 was my first highway and now that i think about it,it now the hunted highway(beware). :eek: :eek: :eek:

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 12:29 pm
by xtreme_X
"didn't think so huh"

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 1:18 pm
by mmonid
Things like this don't happen here much at all. I can't even imagine what the driver of the car was thinking. I understand why she took off - yes, it is hit and run, but she didn't even see him until he was on the front of her car. I really feel bad for anybody who has to take their life like that.

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 2:02 pm
by polak_gino
but it shouldnt be the bmw's fault the person was already planning to kill themselves right? but i do think the person in the bmw should have stopped, but they shouldnt be in trouble it wsnt their fault, it was the dues that jumped off the bridge

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 2:17 pm
by mmonid
The thing is... he did stop, got out, looked at the body, got back in his car and left.

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 8:38 pm
by Guest
hey extreme, you know there are classes out there for improving sentence structure and spelling, check into it.

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 8:49 pm
by Guest
well i dont know about god sinners and haunted highways, being athiest but ya thats to bad for the bmw, and the person driving it, if someone wants to die then thats there decision, but when they do it publicly like that and putting other people in danger its kinda bulls---, like that could have been a family in that beamer enjoying a day out, anyways thats my 25 cents.

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 21st, 2002, 4:58 pm
by Tman
Xtreme_X...i can barely understand any of that bro. All i got was the guy jumping off the bridge onto a BMW.

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 21st, 2002, 6:01 pm
by Custommx3
Do not make fun. <BR>Hes talkig about a guy who jumped off of an internstate overpass?

Re: sucide :( :( :(

Posted: October 22nd, 2002, 12:26 am
by Tman
No...i understand its something bad...i just dont understand what hes sayin. I wasn't making fun of him.