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poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 2nd, 2002, 3:02 pm
by macnwigs
I've been in about 14 accidents in my 14 year driving career! Some minor, and a couple majors! I've probably had more traffic violations than 1/2 the people on this board (not bragging - young stupidity)<P>My worst was when I missed a corner on an old 1969 Honda CB250 and drove over a small cliff into a quary! Broke 3 vertibrea (spelling?), ruptured my kidney and tore all the muscles from my head to my butt! It was in September when I was 16 - luckily only a 3 week hospital stay.<P>My funniest was also when I was 16, but in May. My dad had a Bronco II that had been in an accident the week before and was apparently fixed. He asked me to put it in the garage and when I put it in gear the engine dropped and the trottle cable pulled across the engine. I hit the brakes which exploded and proceeded to drive the Bronco 1/2 ways through the back wall of my parents bungalow. $14,000 in damage to the truck and $45,000 damage to the house!!!!! And my dad didn't say a word...just laughed!<P><BR>Whats the worst crash you've had????

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 2nd, 2002, 3:06 pm
by dam2009
that's an average of 1 accident a year.. :eek: I've been driving for almost 7 years and I had only 1 in winter time and second one I've been hit from behind but that's it...

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 2nd, 2002, 5:20 pm
by macnwigs
ya, I didn't have the best record at one time...If I can remmember they kinda went like this.<P>1) Flipped a motorcyle and ended up with a 6" burn on my leg<BR>2) Drove a 3 wheeler into a fence<BR>3) Dropped motorcycle while turning a corner on a gravel road with buddy on the back<BR>4) Motorcycle accident - bad one<BR>5) Me and Buddy smashed up his mom's Monte Carlo (he was driving)<BR>6) Rear ended a Chevette with a 69 Fury III<BR>7) Bronco through the garage.<BR>8) Ditched a friends parents car in a joyride<BR>9) Hit by a truck while on a motorcyle - just road rash<BR>10) Totalled girlfriend's (now wifes car) at Ontario Place<BR>11) Lightly rearended a guy with my wife and buddy in the car<BR>12) Backed 2001 Mustang into a Biker's new pickup (good thing he was a drinking buddy)<BR>13) T-boned a Corolla with a Camry going 80/km or 50/mph. - another bad one, I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Broke the dash with my knees and my head on the windshield.<BR>14) Girl Clipped my MX3 6 months after I got it.<P>Some days I wake up and EVERY bone in my body aches! I feel like Evil "frickin" Kneval! <P>But I've been lucky and learned (the hard way) to slow down.<P><BR> :D

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 2nd, 2002, 5:40 pm
by Guest
Worst accident was the only one I've been in so far, thank god. Taking my GF home after a date one niught, before I had my MX3, in my moms brand new 2001 Ford Focus Wagon. My mom had been worried all night about letting me use it and was so afraid I was gonna do something to it. Well, on the way to my GF house I stopped off at my house to pick up a few things. My mom asked if the car was ok and offered to take my GF home, I said the car was fine and I wanna take my GF home. So we left. Well...the last intersection before my GF neighborhood, I went threw the red light. Didnt see it, it was around a sharp corner and trees blocking. I remember my GF saying "Um, that was a red light" and the SMASH, the car hit us on the passenger side. My moms car slid off into the grass and the other car spun around and stopped in the middle of the intersection. Thank God no one was hurt. And I only ended up with a $90 fine. I was flipping out so much, I think the cops felt sorry for me. But both cars were totalled. I have pics of the Focus and the other car, 92 Dodge Shadow or something like that. The both look like s---.

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 2nd, 2002, 6:34 pm
by macnwigs
believe it or not I forgot one!<P>Chrismas Eve 5 years ago, I was going to see my girlfriend and a guy slid through a stop sign and took out the rear wheel of my mom's Ford Ranger. Cops wouldn't charge anybody cause they didn't want to do paperwork on Christmas eve - they chalked it up to road conditions.<P>I sh*t you guys not, I used to be an accident waiting to happen.

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 2nd, 2002, 7:38 pm
by Sean Mandell
Once when i was 17 i was cruzin in da summer and was really high off the skunk i might add ran into the guy in front of me cause i saw a couple ladies with silicone :eek: . i happen to hit a cab and his car looked like nothing happened and my hood was crunched.<P>stupid,stupid,stupid<P>I ended up giving the cab 40 bucks to drive away. wat a prick at least, he had a scratch.

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 5:14 pm
by Xero
Aah, memories of my stupid teenage days.<P>Worst Accident -and also probably the stupidest decision making- was when I was a junior in high school. I was riding home with my friend in his jeep, and we saw a few friends of ours in an '87 integra. They motioned us to follow them, and they ended up going into some village storage site. The place looked like a barn, and was surrounded by hilly fields, which my friends then drove into (in the integra). My bud and I were like "s---, we're in a jeep, aint no thang." and followed them. We noticed he had done a couple laps there before, the grass being matted down in a 2 track.<P>The 'teg stops, and they tell us to get in. We drive around, and I was in the back seat in the middle with no seatbelt. Anyway, it's all fun and games for a couple laps until he hits a patch of mud, and fishtails. Normally he would have corrected well, but it hit another patch of mud, and plowed sideways more. The front wheels went into a ditch and the car rolled 1.5 times.<P>I dislocated my shoulder, and a friend cracked the windsheild with his head.<BR>Nobody's parents except the owner's ever found out. Or ever will. My shoulder will still pop out once in a while if I do something weird, but it always goes back. <P>I figure it gives me character. And makes me cool like Mel Gibson.<P>-T

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 5:56 pm
by Tman
I have been in 2 school bus when i was in like 5th grade...some guy clipped the bus. And last year we were going to State Wrestling Tournament...and this old taurus was going 40 on the interstate and we rearended it at like 70 mph and almost flipped the bus. And this past summer, I was at a friends party. He lives on a bunch of land. And we were all pretty much drunk. And everytime he throws a party...we drive the "Bucket" around in the fields. The "Bucket" happens to be an old turbo diesel Suzuki. It was very fast. We had the car packed. 5 people in the car...and everybody was drunk...we were going about 50 mph and he accidentally let go of the lights (you had to hold the brights on) and we slid sideways and hit a big bump and flipped 3 times. The only injury was a concussion. It was pretty crazy. But all in all i think i have been in like 11 wrecks...only 1 of my own (totalled my MX last week) :(

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 8:06 pm
by nicolasbeique
How can you guys get into all those accidents and still drive? I rear-end some lady once going 30km/h and 3 weeks ago I T-oned someone when all the power went out downtown. Now I can't drive because my insurance is up to $12000/year liability only!<P>Do you guys just not get insuranced or sleep with the agents or something? [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 9:40 pm
by macnwigs
Ticket are wiped out every 3 years and accidents every 6...<P>Alot of stuff happened between 16 and 21 for me. I walked for 2 years and then drove my Grandmas car for 2 years!so when I finally got my own car again at 25 I was good to go.<P>Before I walked my insurance company demanded that my parents sign a notorized legal paper saying that if I was caught driving their vehicles then all of their home, business and life insurance was null and void!<P>They wanted $9500 (13 years ago) for me to be a temporary driver.<P>All is ok now (I'm also 30). My house, car and wife's (2001 Sentra) car costs me $270 a month.<P> :D

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 4th, 2002, 12:03 am
by Guest
Just got hit today actually! In the rear, some stupid hippy kid hit me hard enough for the car to move foward and hit the girls car infront of me. THANK GOD, there was nothing wrong. Sure as hell thought my car was totally, I felt like I had been hit my a train, it was hard as hell. Then from the front too. But its weird, all there was is a scratch, and I checked over the front and rear end and all the supports and everything still seem to be fine.

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 4th, 2002, 11:20 am
by MrsOzx
I have had two in 6 years. I bought a second mx-3 and a lady in an Excursion ran a red light and hit the pass side while I was going through an intersection. My brother was sitting in the pass seat. And then a couple months ago I got ran off the road in Jellico, TN and nose dived into a ditch, flipped a couple times (clearing a couple trees), and totaled my other one. And for that one I have been in and out of the hosp constantly whith 4 surgerys. I couldnt get in my car to get the parts out that were ok so I had to end up selling it to a junkyard for $200.

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 4th, 2002, 1:06 pm
by Technostiva
I've only had 3 in my 25yrs of driving once when I was 17. In Washington State my buddy and I were driving a 69 Super Bee up a mountain road.. the back end just slid off the road. We rolled it 6 time before it stopped on a stump. we were bruised up a bit but ok the car was totalled. Next was 2000 I was driving about 50mph on the feeder road in Houston some guy flew off the hwy and didnt realize the light at the intersection was red. he slammed on the brakes in front on a Voyager van. The van had anti locks and stopped 2" before hitting the car. I unfortunately did not my little 92 Camry's hood met the windshield. Turns out the guy that caused the accident had no brake lights and ran from the scene... stupid,stupid,stupid there were 2 motorcycle cops in the far right lane and they caught him and brought him back. I lost my car, but I didn't get any tickets or fines. The last 1 was about 10 months ago. I was behind a Mercury Sable we were doing abou 40 he pulled to the side of the road as if to let me pass.. just as I started to, he decides to do a u turn right into my pass front end. This was just after I put my fiberglass body kit ond clear corner lamps on.. I was so pissed off I jumped out of my car and told him to let me see his insurance. He promptly tried to run me over, knocked me down with the car and sped off into the sun.. needless to say I never got the plate.. cost me like 500.00 to fix the car doing all the labor myself.

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 4th, 2002, 7:54 pm
by cjthor
I think I have wrecked everything I owned at one time. First one started with my S10 blazer..Rear ended a Suburban and crushed the enitre front end of my Blazer. Bent the bumper of the burb. Then I rolled my Jeep off a cliff in Hollister,Ca. Had to get Mediflighted out of that one due to the terrain that we were on. I gashed my leg open on that one and there are still blood stains on my Jeep to this day. Next is the worst one...And I dont know exactly what happened due to a loss of time in my brain. I was driving a 2000 BMW Z3 one night with my friend. I guess we were going too fast into a 15mph 90 degree turn and lost control. On the opposite side of the road was a canal about four feet deep with water. The car left the road, flipped in the air and spun around...Landed upright somehow in the water. I busted the side window with my hand somehow and almost completely severed my left ear. The jaws of life could not rip the door open to get me out. They finally got me out and I was mediflighted to the hospital where I spent the next 3 days recovering. That wasnt fun...

Re: poll: What was your worst accident???

Posted: October 4th, 2002, 9:58 pm
by 5spd_GS
Worst accident EVER 2 weeks ago - my car was BACKED into!!!<P> :roll: