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Posted: September 13th, 2002, 8:39 pm
by MrsOzx
Have you ever had something happen to you and all you can do is laugh your a-- off to keep from killing someone or something?<BR> :D <BR>And the damn thing was keyed from top to bottom! I honestly was speachless! They let the dogs out! what kinda..... Well needless to say I laughed my you know what off. Now I am hauling a-- to get it fixed before NOPI.. Ahhhhhh!!!! :mad:

Re: Ahhhhhh!!!!

Posted: September 18th, 2002, 11:13 pm
by aqua93
Aw. I hate people, the person was sick to do that, I can understand the anger! I don't think I would have been able to laugh, though, probably I'd break a chair and let out a huge scream, lol. haha, shows how much self control I have!

Re: Ahhhhhh!!!!

Posted: September 18th, 2002, 11:40 pm
by Paragon
oh wow, that sucks. the other day at school some prick put a HUGE dent in the fender i just i banged most of it out, and i'm covering the rest with a sidemarker, lol