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now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 12th, 2002, 11:53 pm
by dam2009
I don't know if you guys heard about it, but they gonna legalize marijuana in Canada.

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 13th, 2002, 12:09 am
by NYmx3power
Sweeeeet!...if only u.s.a would realize you can't win the war against drugs and legalize it

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 13th, 2002, 1:12 am
by fictionaldaydream
Man if they legalize it, there would be alot of people really mad meaning dealers. I gurantee if they legalize it, they would put them out of business. Yet you heard so it might be a rumor. I think it would just have the same effects as alcohol where no smoking while driving or under influence and so on.

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 15th, 2002, 7:14 pm
by Guest
well, for one, they are NOT going to legalize it for sure, but its been proposed, and as for not being able to drive and smoke weed, if your stoned and you drive and a cop pulls you over, they dont have a roadside test to test you so if they give you a ticket for it, take it to court and say you were really tired or just plain deny that you were stoned and chances are you'll get off because they dont have physical proof short of a drug test, and i doubt they're gonna pull out a syringe and take your blood right there...

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 15th, 2002, 9:35 pm
by codene
no but they could take a piece of your hair<BR>i owuldnt put it past the po-po

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 15th, 2002, 10:07 pm
by Hy300
Actually if they even suspect you're high or drunk the police and take you back to the precinct and conduct a test there where they invite over a friendly doc to draw some blood. Hair testing takes forever too, hair grows slowly so if you got high for the first time and someone took some hair for a sample then there would be no trace. But say a few days later there would be traces of marijuana. Besides, if a cop ever did that you can say you get high on occassion but weren't high that day. They can't do anything if you don't possess and I doubt anyone will take that as a good reason to raid your house.

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 12:19 am
by Custommx3
that will not work either. What if you got stoned the day before? It'd still be in your blood. And even if it was, thet cant do anything, it would be legal.

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 12:26 am
by Tman
The main reason why they are still discussing this is because if they legalize it...people will just grow it in their back yard and sell it for profit, and the gov will not make any tax on it. I dont know s--- about the Canadian gov what so ever. But thats what they were discussing in Alaska and California. Personally i cant see it happenining...and even if it does, it will get outta hand.

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 3:20 am
by Guest
uhhhh if they do legalize it which i highly doubt seeing we have a conservative government, they wont just let anyone grow it and im sure it would still be years before they can set out laws and bilaws and s--- on the restrictions, but anyways it would in all likelyhood be highly regulated, and why would you buy some weed off a dude that grew it in his yard when you could get top quality from like players or any other manufactorer. and im sure they would develop an instant test which could tell if you have sufficient amounts of the drug in your system to impare judgment, like one of those finger pricks they use for people with diabeties. anyways thats just my opinion.

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 4:30 am
by cjthor
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dam2009:<BR><STRONG>I don't know if you guys heard about it, but they gonna legalize marijuana in Canada.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P> Have we confirmed this?

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 11:15 am
by Custommx3
there must be alot of green smokers up in here.

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 11:56 am
by zytariuk
This is the stupidest debate (the answer is so easy)! Here are the facts...<P>- Every government always wants more money!<BR>- There are no where near as many young smokers taking up smoking today than there was 5-10 years ago.<P>It's a clear cut answer guys. Weed will be legalized in Canada within approximately 2-5 years. Why? They will make an insane amount of money to compensate for the dying tobacco industry.'s not exactly dying, but it's not growing as much at they would like.<P><I>No matter how you look at the situation at hand, it all comes down to money.</I><p>[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: zytariuk ]

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 5:28 pm
by Andrew_Pakula
Marijuana charges in Canada completely waste court time and money.<P>I've known several people who have been charged with like simple pocession. Every single one of them they either got off compeletely or a suspended sentence where it dissappears off your records in 2 years anyways, they don't even bother giving out community service half the time!<P>Most of these people had to go to court several times because of delays and other serious cases coming up, all these petty personal use Marijuana charges only clogg up court time and money.<P>Whats the point of sending these people to court if nothing even happens to them?<P>In many ways its sometimes easier getting off a Marijuana charge than it is getting off a Speeding ticket!

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 7:21 pm
by curtklze
Just to clear it up.<P>There was a proposal to de-criminalize posesion of weed. but nothing was passed.<P>But growing and selling would still be illegal.<P>It was so that dying people would be able to get weed and not have to worry about charges being laid.<P>The gov' has a large pot farm in an old mine that it is going to use for medical weed after a bunch of tests are done on it.<P>So it would basicly be like morphine, its not against the law to take morphine if you have a persciption.<P>The only catch is, if they de-criminalize it then everyone is aloud to have it not just the sick people.<P>They would then have to come up with more laws to control the proper use of it.

Re: now you can get weed at convinience store

Posted: September 16th, 2002, 9:29 pm
by Guest
If they do legalize it, there is gonna be a hell of a lot more burn outs and dumb asses floating around. If your gonna do it, then do it responibly. I cant stand people who do it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.