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Cell phones are evil!

Posted: March 24th, 2002, 7:54 pm
by -=deathtrap-mx3=-
a study just proved that drivers on cell phones have 30% SLOWER reaction times compared to legally drunk drivers.<BR> <A HREF=" ... reaction_1" TARGET=_blank> ... ction_1</A> <BR>my town is full of suv's and soccer moms. those aren't to friendly to my little car :mad:

Re: Cell phones are evil!

Posted: March 25th, 2002, 12:26 am
by MrsOzx
The lady that totaled my mx (the accident that killed my brother) was talking on a cell phone and not paying attention. Might as well have been a drung driver.... People dont realize.. Others just don't care..

Re: Cell phones are evil!

Posted: March 27th, 2002, 12:50 am
by SmokyMcGee
sorry to hear.. I give the finger to those one cell phones who jeopordize my life on the road... or anyone who does in that matter.