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Check this out

Posted: March 22nd, 2002, 9:37 am
by powerman_5000
I was pulled over twice last night within a 15 to 20 minute period and didn't receive a ticket from either one. Talk about luck!

Re: Check this out

Posted: March 23rd, 2002, 1:00 pm
by SmokyMcGee
got pulled over in april of last a ticket for speeding....pleaded not guilty.. I have yet to receive a court date.

Re: Check this out

Posted: March 23rd, 2002, 1:31 pm
by MrsOzx
I was pulled over about 2 months ago and got a $380 speeding ticket. However I was not speeding! I was comming up on a hill and when I got to the top a guy flew past me and hit his break when he saw the cop at the bottom of it. The cop thought he clocked me and pulled me over and I got the ticket!! But the worst part is that I was going to fight it and I had been waiting on a court date for a while now.. Until last week when I got a letter in the mail saying they had suspended my license for nonpayment... Bull $h!t!!! Come to find out I have been driving on a suspended license for almost a month now.. :mad:

Re: Check this out

Posted: March 25th, 2002, 4:42 am
by Bundy
Sometimes, bad things can pile up so easily. I got my speeding ticket about 2 weeks ago when I was getting back to the lab around 1am to finish up my project, and on the same day, some punk kids broke into my car, braking the driver side window, and stole my cd-player. I used my insurance that cost me $500 since it was my deductable. The worst part was I purchased and kept the car security system in my closet in my apartment for like a half year. I should've installed it earlier...<P>And that was not the end of it. The car was fixed about a week after that, and last Friday, on the way home from the same lab, I bumped into one of the professors' car . It was because he was going out and making turn at the intersection, and he suddenly stopped. So, I ended up smashing the left front part of my car to his rear bumper. I used my insurance again, and I'm waiting for the body-shop to take my car. That accident happened on Friday after the body-shop was closed, so I'm waiting for Monday. <P>I'm also having a lot of snow tonight, and needed to cover up the damaged part, taking off so much snow once in a while, etc.. Well, hopefully, it's not gonna happen again. It's not really nice to pay $1000 just for repair which I don't expect to happen.<P>Bungo