I have the worst luck!!!!

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I have the worst luck!!!!

Post by MrsOzx »

I think I am destined to live a life of mishapps, accidents, and bad luck! I woke up this morning and my right eye was throbing and blood red.. It has been scrachey for about a week now. So I went to the eye doctor and I found out that I have a cornia ulser.... I guess my contact scratched my eye and bactira has gotten in it and now it is severly infected. I cannot even look at anything bright (sun, lights, computer, white paper.. etc..) without sunglassed on. And yes I am sitting here in my livingroom with sunglasses on So they dilated, numbed, and paralized my right eye. And gave me these lovely $50 eye drops that I have to use every hour. Then tomorrow I have to go have it dilated and numbed again. Then again on monday... But the messed up part is she said that if it does not get any better or worse I could loose sight in my right eye.. :( I dont think I have quite processed that yet, but it hurts like hell!
Giavonni Perelli
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Re: I have the worst luck!!!!

Post by mr.hunt »

:eek: :eek: Holy Crap sweetie I am totally amazed and that is so sad to hear. But you are not for sure wether it will get that bad. So I will keep ya in my thoughts to hope it will heal. Try to keep things focus on day to day and not worry about what might happen, though it is easier said than done. I am so sorry to hear this I hope it becomes better and heals. Man!!! I wish I could confort you more but so sorry. Anyhow take care email me if ya want to vent more. Try to take care<P>Mike, [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: I have the worst luck!!!!

Post by Guest »

good loard u r just not havin any luck with anything lately. think of it this way though its just one more chalange to push your self through because it allways gets better. speaking about better how is the lude comming? and how r u doing with the ex.? well i dont want to pry but i hpoe u know that at least i if not all of us r behind u and hope the best for u now and in the future good luck, rember it will turn out in the end. :):P :D
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David Witherow
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Re: I have the worst luck!!!!

Post by David Witherow »

hey MrsOsx,<BR> <BR>Dont be to worried i know it sounds bad, but i had the exact same think happen in my left eye accept i had gotten something caught behind my contact and rubbed my eye which cause the problem. i had to have all the same things done had to wear the sunglasses, which was a pain cause i had to wear my glasses at the same time. but it got better in about two weeks and i havent had a problem since and i still wear my contacts......hopfully that realeves a little stress......i hope no i know you will get better and have total sight again...<BR> :) :D ;) :cool:
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Re: I have the worst luck!!!!

Post by jeepdave »

Damn.....damn damn damn you aint got the luck i think i will send you a 4-leaf clover in the mail lol hope it gets better prayin for ya take care ;)
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Re: I have the worst luck!!!!

Post by MrsOzx »

Thanks guys. I went back to the Doctor today and It has not gotten any better so far......<BR> :( So they repeated the whole dilating and numbing thing. But I go back on Monday and hopfully it will get better by then. <P>Quick question though... In case of the worst scenario, does anyone know if they will still let you have a drivers lisence if you have no sight in one eye?
Giavonni Perelli
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Re: I have the worst luck!!!!

Post by mr.hunt »

Hey stay positive I really don't know about the states but in canada they will let you drive as long as the other eye is in great shape. I really don't want to answer all this cause it is going to get better. I know that it will I promise. Anyhow They other solution is they do do transplants as well I know of one person that did get a sucessfull one so there are options sweetie but don't really worry it is going to get better just give it time and take it easy.<P>Mike<P>p.s. with all this going on sweetie it is time for a vaction that can always heal all.keep us posted on how are doing. :D :D
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