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Good Jokes?

Posted: January 11th, 2002, 6:22 pm
by canadian_ice
Anyone know any good jokes? They can be non-car related if you want.<P><BR>Why was the walrus and tupperware container the same?<P> - They both liked a tight seal.<P> :D

Re: Good Jokes?

Posted: January 11th, 2002, 7:00 pm
by ProtegeSTS
1)Why was Helen Keller a bad driver?<P>She was a woman<P><BR>2)Why did Helen Keller's dog run away?<P>You would too if your name was "blkagjoikhwhaglk"<P><BR>3)Whats better than winning the gold medal at the special olympics?<P>not being retarded<P>Ok,im going to hell for those [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: Good Jokes?

Posted: January 13th, 2002, 5:44 pm
by -=deathtrap-mx3=-
yes you are! :D

Re: Good Jokes?

Posted: January 14th, 2002, 12:52 am
by bayoumx-3
This guy and his freind go to the bar and get real sh*t faced. The guy turns to his freind excuses him self and goes to the restroom.Well the guy sitting at the bar hears a scream and knows it's his freind and decides to ignore it.Then, a few moments later he hears an even louder yell which the whole bar heard. So he got up and decided to check on his buddy.He goes up to the door and asks what's wrong and the freind replies well, everytime I try to flush the toilet something comes up and pinches my balls. So out of curiosity the guy opens the door and says you dumb a$$ you're sitting on a mop bucket.