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Firewall/Proxy Server Question

Posted: October 26th, 2001, 3:26 am
by finchuck
I am at college and our school uses a firewall, hence I cannot use any of the MP3 downloading proggies. They require the proxy server and port which I am connected to but the school will not give that to me. Is there any way to find this information out myself? Any help would be appreciated... thanks!

Re: Firewall/Proxy Server Question

Posted: October 26th, 2001, 10:55 am
by RanMan
If they are not very secure (or smart), you can get the settings from Internet Explorer. Go to IE (Internet Explorer) and click on the Tools menu and then choose Internet Options. Now click on the Connection tab and then click on the LAN SETTINGS button. When that new window opens up, there will be a section called Proxy Server. It should give you the address of the server and the port also. Ususally the port is 80, but for MP3 programs, I think they use a different port. I honestly think that their systems will be set up so that it Automatically detects the settings (you will see a check mark by this option if it is). Even IF you did get the correct port and server addresses, I am willing to bet that the ports are blocked. If so, then you will NEVER get through without going to the server and unblocking those ports. Good Luck though.

Re: Firewall/Proxy Server Question

Posted: October 26th, 2001, 11:22 am
by liquidleo
From a DOS prompt type: TRACERT_(some IP outside your network)<BR>The one of the first jumps will be to your proxyserver. The IP addresses will be listed in order from 1st to last jump.

Re: Firewall/Proxy Server Question

Posted: October 26th, 2001, 12:57 pm
by Alt-Tab
You could always look for another Napster substitute. Here at Murray State University (KY), they blocked Napster, Morpheus, Kazaa, and a myriad of others. Somehow they haven't blocked iMesh yet. So, as of now, that's my only way to get music.