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Posted: October 18th, 2001, 6:31 pm
by Custommx3
Am I the only EQ player? Hopefully not.


Posted: October 18th, 2001, 8:59 pm
by SirCruizer
A die hard EQ player here on The Rathe Server... True to the game the last 2 years since right after public release came out. Would of been a beta tester but did not have the system at the time to be able to do that.. I play alot more now that I dont work and just goto school 15 hours a week. I used to not hardly play at all. Right now I have a 20th level wood elf Ranger and a 19th level high elf enchantress.... I belong to one of the best guilds on the Rathe Server Wild Knights. Tring to get my ranger high enough to go on thier raids. I play about 30 hours a week, sometimes more sometimes less. I would play less if I had more people to hang out with but with all my friends getting married and stuff its like they have no time to hang out with "the boys" anymore so I usally end up playing EQ. What server do you play on? If its the rathe we will have to meet.


Posted: October 19th, 2001, 3:17 am
by Nottahonda
Please don't mention that game. My ex used to call it Evercrack. I guess that's why she's my ex. heh Anyhoo... yep I used to play. But now I'm a little over a year clean and EQ-less. :)


Posted: October 20th, 2001, 5:37 pm
by Manach
I'm not into EverQuest.. I'm into Asheron's Call. MMRPG are fun... But when the addiction is gone. :(


Posted: October 20th, 2001, 5:47 pm
by heatherc
i lost a good friend to a game called that the same kind of game?....she won't even leave the house.... :confused: <BR>heather


Posted: October 21st, 2001, 1:03 am
by SirCruizer
Ochy, seems like you guys have some vary interesting friends. Ive heard stories of people that got addicted to EQ and made it their life. Dont get me wrong now I love the game, but come on people!!!! I play the game cause sometimes theres just not anything else to do but I would much rather hang out with friends in RL and get out of the house than say nope sorry playing EQ... EQ is a boredem tool for me since this town sux and I got rid of some "going no where in life and bringinig everyone down with them" friends and havent found any new ones since then. Im sorry to hear that you guys lost a friend or more to the game, all I can say is dont let your friends have EQ rule thier lives and dont let EQ rule yours or any other game or online activity for that matter!!! EQ can be fun if you dont let it rule yours or anyone elses life


Posted: October 21st, 2001, 8:25 am
by Nottahonda
WOAH! Easy turbo. hehehe I, at least, was speaking in jest. ;)


Posted: November 5th, 2001, 3:39 am
by p00onU
I use to play EQ, lvl 40 Barbarian warrior on Fennin Ro (yes, the gimp server) Anyways, I really dont know why I stopped playing, but I can tell you this, I dont stay up till 5:00 am anymore trying to get one more blue bubble before I log.


Posted: November 5th, 2001, 2:01 pm
by Custommx3
I have several players on Quellious, 35 Druid is my highest. I play on Sullon Zek now, the diety alliance server, what a challage that server is... Good vs. Evil Vs. Neutral.


Posted: November 5th, 2001, 7:41 pm
by SirCruizer
What I brave person you are... I tried that server and for one... I logged one evening and it was like there is 500 people in WFP. Im like GAG!!!! But then its like I could see myself now wondering into NRO... ME: Level 8 pally lookin for derv group. Ogre: 4 ogres lookin for one more at derv 3. Dark Elf: 4 Evil lookin for more at derv 1. Human pally: Derv 2 lookin for more good. Me: woot Im there.... after 10 minutes of fighting... Group: Hey your stealing our camp!!!! Bad guy: Yeah we are bad and we are RPGin so there!!!! <P>HEHE I have an active imagination. LOL