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Posted: October 5th, 2001, 10:14 pm
by MX3Chick
Hey for all the people who were on the mailing list when I posted that I got engaged....I called it off this weekend. No more Matt...he went psyco and we had "unreconcilable differences". I know its my turn to make cookies for Carlisle next year, but for whoever is getting "passed the torch" for the next year you wont have to worry about feeding Matt dozens of cookies like Vaughn did! :)

Re: Update

Posted: October 6th, 2001, 3:04 am
by David Coleman
Sorry ya'll couldnt work it out, but I hope it's for the best. Cookies at Carlisle: MX-3 owner's classic!

Re: Update

Posted: October 7th, 2001, 1:47 pm
by MX3Chick
Thanks David. It is for the best, I just realized that I couldnt spend the rest of my life with someone like him. This isnt one of the big reasons why we didnt get along but he couldnt stand the fact that I loved my car and wanted to take good care of it. We actually got in arguments about the MX...isnt that pathetic? But besides that there is a whole list of other things that went wrong or just werent right with us.

Re: Update

Posted: October 9th, 2001, 1:42 pm
by drew
Megen,<BR>I'm kinda in the exact same situation as you were. My gf and I fight all the time (not only about my love of my car) but she is turning psycho too! How did you get the guts to get out of it? Sure, I may be flogged here for sounding like a wuss, but we've been together for 4 years, and it's just going downhill. It's hard to break from the security of always having someone there.<BR>Any advice? Just needed to let this out, I apologize if I'm wasting anyone's time. Thanks for listening.<BR>drew

Re: Update

Posted: October 11th, 2001, 12:55 am
by MX3Chick
Hey Drew, it took ALOT of time and guts to do it. I tried to break up with him like 5 or so times before we got engaged and then I was thiniking that since he asked me to marry him that things would change and get better. It never happend so I told myself that I wasnt going let this happen to me for the rest of my life and finally put my foot down and stuck to my words. Matt was really good at guilting me back into him, and I decided that no matter what that I wasnt going to let that happen. It took me almost 6 months to do that. It is a long hard road, but I can honestly say that I am happier and better off without him. He even tried to tell me that he was going to commit suicide and that his life might as well be over because he was going to loose his job because of me and all this stuff about how no girl will ever want him because if I cant love him than no one else can. I called the cops when he left my house the last time I saw him and let them know what was going on. I talked to him 2 days later and he was still alive and kicking and not doing as bad as he thought he would be. If you are not happy and you have thought it out and there is no way to work it out, then do it. It will be hard but you will feel so much better after it is all said and done. Dont let comfort and routine talk you back into it. Good luck with whatever you decide to do, if you ever need anyone to talk to feel free to email me cuz I know what you are going though.

Re: Update

Posted: October 16th, 2001, 9:59 am
by drew
Hey Megen,<BR>With your words of wisdom, I went ahead and did it. Sure I feel sad, but I feel so relieved and am looking forward to being single again. Thanks so much for your input.<BR>drew ;)

Re: Update

Posted: October 17th, 2001, 5:28 pm
by Sonicxtacy02
as long as i've been on this list.. i still dont understand the cookie theory!

Re: Update

Posted: October 18th, 2001, 1:08 pm
by MX3Chick
Hey Drew, I hope everything works out for the best for you! I know it seems wierd at first but it gets better. You'll be ok! :)<P>Sonic: are you on the mailing list at all? Thats where the cookie thing started. I posted a "smart a--" signature one time that consisted of something like "Megen Murphy...who knows that there is no such thing as Santa Claus or clear tail lights for the MX....can I have a cookie?" I did this because there was a big thread going on about where to get clear tail lights from alot of the new memebers. Then people started sacrcastically sending posts about me getting cookies. Then last year at Carlisle Vaughn made me cookies. You can read all of the posts if you look in the mailing lists archive.

Re: Update

Posted: October 19th, 2001, 10:49 pm
by precidian
I think I kinda helped that tail light myth along with the pic of my car that was modified to make it look like clear tails....<P>never did get to sample one of the cookies<P>maybe next time...<P>cheers,

Re: Update

Posted: October 21st, 2001, 8:43 pm
by MX3Chick
I dont think anyone else got to eat any ex-fiance Matt did a pretty good job at eating all of them. They were very good (well at least from the 3 that I got)....chocolate chip with walnuts. What cant Vaughn do?! hehe! About 3 minutes after I got the cookies from Vaughn, Matt took them and actually locked himself in my car and ate a bunch of them. <P>Next year when its my turn to bring the cookies, I will make sure everyone gets some....hehe I could always make up "goodie" bags for the MX owners. LOL! :)

Re: Update

Posted: October 24th, 2001, 11:44 pm
by NBishop
I'm relatively new to the board and saw you mention some of you go up there for the shows? Just wondering because i usually go but now i actually have a nice car(and am old enough to drive it) to take with me.

Re: Update

Posted: November 10th, 2001, 5:50 pm
by MX3Chick
Yeah some of us go to the Custom Compact Power Jam in May. If you come this year (and if I can afford to go) you can get some of the cookies! lol

Re: Update

Posted: November 10th, 2001, 7:00 pm
by David Witherow
i want some cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D