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Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 22nd, 2002, 11:57 pm
by Andrew_Pakula
Today my girlfriend was chating on some Toronto IRC channel(dalnet I think) and this guy came in with a MX3 nickname so out of curiousity my girlfriend messaged him and talked to him for a bit then he sent her some pictures of himself and a picture of <I>"his mx-3"</I>. She laughed right away because she caught him in a lie, the guy sent a picture of Oscar's orange mx-3 from the June meet this year in Mississauga. Apparently the guy is in Barrie and insists this is his car.<P>Anyone know who this imposter is?<BR> Image <BR> Image <BR> Image <P>According to him this is his car, LOL<BR> Image

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 12:02 am
by polak_gino
no thats oscars car for sure, and the guy in the background is me lol , <P>this guy is such a loser, people really gotta get their own cars

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 12:02 am
by Andrew_Pakula
Oh and his e-mail is: <P>Is he on the board?

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 12:03 am
by Andrew_Pakula
Haha of course it's Oscar's!<P>There isn't another mx-3 that is even closely like it.

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 12:17 am
by back alley
hey polak-gino,<BR>did u put the bumper strip on yourself (on the side of the car)?<BR>i like the look and maybe it would help stop some of the parking lot dings i keep getting.<BR>if it was you, where did you get it?<BR>thanks.

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 10:19 am
by DVH
oh this will be fun, i wanna meet him, im gonna email him and beg to see his "car" hahahha! if he lives in barrie that will be cool, cuz im right here! loL!<BR>will rough em up a little!<BR> [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 10:58 am
by Custommx3
Wait.. maybe he was copied :)

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 1:05 pm
by xxxxxroninxxxxx
i dont know who oscar is, but i will let you know i was at a local show last month and i ran into an orange mx-3 with white rims that just got out of the bodyshop the week before , i know its not this kid you guys are talking about, but there is an orange mx rollin bye me w/the pak kit, z3 fenders, molded eybrows, a bike gas cap, and some white rims, and yes it is the same color orange, and yes the kid is a huge d---, not sociable or willing to talk about his car at all, he was pretty much trailer trash w/decent car.

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 4:25 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by xxxxxroninxxxxx:<BR><STRONG>i dont know who oscar is, but i will let you know i was at a local show last month and i ran into an orange mx-3 with white rims that just got out of the bodyshop the week before , i know its not this kid you guys are talking about, but there is an orange mx rollin bye me w/the pak kit, z3 fenders, molded eybrows, a bike gas cap, and some white rims, and yes it is the same color orange, and yes the kid is a huge d---, not sociable or willing to talk about his car at all, he was pretty much trailer trash w/decent car.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>On my behalf, tell him to suck a big fat COCK!<P>sorry but I have to let of some steam!<P>LOOOOOSERS LOOOSERS LOOOSERS . tell that guy to buy a honda<P>Im gonna email that imposter f--- nut!<P>Thanks Andrew!

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 5:28 pm
LOL read Oscar's bottom line in his signature. That's funny stuff. <P>one

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 24th, 2002, 8:14 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
MX-3 says:<BR>who is this<BR>Oscar says:<BR>the guy you r impoostering!<BR>Oscar says:<BR>since when did you own my car?<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>what r u talkin bout<BR>Oscar says:<BR>need reminding?<BR>Oscar says:<BR>irc<BR>Oscar says:<BR>chat<BR>Oscar says:<BR>you sent a pic of my car<BR>Oscar says:<BR>to a girl<BR>Oscar says:<BR>my buddy's girl<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>whatever man.....peace<BR>Oscar says:<BR>and 3 pics of you<BR>Oscar says:<BR>you know whats best!<BR>Oscar says:<BR>lates!<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>your just mad my car is better haha<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>peace<BR>Oscar says: <A HREF=" ... age010.jpg" TARGET=_blank> ... 010.jpg</A> <BR>Oscar says: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank> ... MX3.jpg</A> <BR>Oscar says:<BR>dont be stupid Barrie boy<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>ok wanna know whats funny<BR>Oscar says:<BR>tell me<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>that isnt me LOL<P>Oscar says:<BR>care to explain<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>not really......waste of my time actually<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>care to cry?<BR>Oscar says:<BR>your right waste of My time<BR>Oscar says:<BR>actually how will you make me cry?<BR>MX-3 says:<BR>f--- u<BR>Oscar says:<BR>your such a looser<BR>Oscar says:<BR>take care man!<BR>Oscar says:<BR>I hope my car gets you laid!<BR>Oscar says:<BR>you need it!<P>Thought you guys would like to hear what had to say!<P>oh and the email!<P><BR>sorry but cant find the email, but trust me it was good!!!!

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 25th, 2002, 1:34 am
by Andrew_Pakula
Haha thats funny!<P>What a loser, he can't even admit to it.<P>I'm going to bug him over the weekend, haha should be funny.

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 25th, 2002, 2:15 am
Hey Barry I'm starting to notice a trend here?WTF :) :D :roll: :eek:

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 25th, 2002, 4:42 am
by fictionaldaydream
Man, I read this whole thing and its the funniest thing in awhile. I remember reading one where a person copied off of barry clark and one that copy the graphics from killer mx-3. Funny stuff. My car is in full construction to where I want it to be, but I am not going to lower myself to say I own someone else's car. Man how lame can you be. I mean I talked alot on this board since I joined and no one has seen my car. Why you might say. Its mainly all stock. I need to make more money so I can buy more stuff for it. I gurantee when I am kind of happy with the way it looks and run I will show my car. Which is mine and no one else. Thanks

Re: Oscar Imposter! anyone from the Toronto/Barrie area know

Posted: October 25th, 2002, 5:57 am
by voltaire
THE funniest part is those pictures of the loser. I mean, it almost looks like he's TRYING to look like an idiot in ALL 3 of those pictures!<P>Here's the caption for the third pic:<BR>"Looook at my thin line of hair that travels past my Spock-like ear to my butt-like chin and right back up to my other Spock-like ear, doesn't it look maaaarvelous?"