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im so pissed

Posted: October 14th, 2002, 5:21 pm
by Ryencool
so I drop my car off on the 5th of this month to get repaint, the guy says I can get it back by the follwing friday..this is great cause my dads outta the country ill use his car. Come friday I can pick it up, so he says coem get it saturday. Call before leaving saturday and he says it wont be done till monday. Call before I leave this morning and hes says it wont be done today, wtf...he tolled me end of last week. Now i have no car, and no way to get to work/school, I doubt theyll do anyhtign price wise for me. Im jsut wodnering what the hell is going on....<BR>soory just venting...

Re: im so pissed

Posted: October 14th, 2002, 11:10 pm
by dam2009
yeah it's frustrating... I had that before in the body shop.

Re: im so pissed

Posted: October 15th, 2002, 1:08 am
by LiL-LaW
That sucks bro, you should speak with the manager, and try to get a discount, you never know it could happen

Re: im so pissed

Posted: October 15th, 2002, 11:34 pm
by voltaire
Dude, trust me. DON'T RUSH THEM!!!<P>If you want your paint job to be perfect, it's a bad idea. If they rush things just to get you off their back, they'll take shortcuts. And when it comes to paint jobs, you don't want them taking shortcuts. <P>They don't want to have your car taking up space if they can help it, so if the car's not ready, there's probably a good reason.<P>When I got my CRX (sorry, bad word) painted, I told the guy straight-up that I wanted it to be perfect. He told me straight-up that it would take them longer than usual. I told him to take as long as necessary. A little over two weeks later I got my car back with BETTER than factory paint. I couldn't have been happier with the results, and at that point I didn't care how long it took.<P>I'm getting ready to have my MX-3 painted soon, and I'll let them have it for as long as they want.