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Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 13th, 2004, 2:31 am
by h8ter
Wow! I've only had this car a few days now and went through my first tank of gas with it. I was hoping it would return some good mileage but I was not prepared to get 33.5 mpg. 80% of it was highway miles but AC was blasting the entire time. And still it turns this many miles to a gallon. I only regret I did not buy one of these sooner.

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 13th, 2004, 1:20 pm
by torpedan
Yeah the car may be underpowered but it does atleast get good gas milage as a result.

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 13th, 2004, 2:15 pm
by I_love_my_MX-3
I miss my mx-3s fuel consumption. The MR2 loves to chug gas especially @ 15psi :D but its worth it.

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 13th, 2004, 3:21 pm
by BuGS
Running no A/c and going all highway i got 40.81 mpg when i did a full highway trip up to the boarder of canada and back. It was awesome. Cuz who else gets that out of a 4 banger??? All my friends have like 25 mpg on the highway and i got 40! WOO HOO!

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 13th, 2004, 8:12 pm
by h8ter
Damn clayton your car must be running tip top condition to put down 40 mpg. I'll see what it can do when it gets a little cooler and I don't ahve to run the A/C. I'm just ecstatic, my other car a toyota 4Runner can barely muster 20mpg on a good day, so my newly acquired 33 mpg is great for me. But of course now that I know it acn do it I would like to get 40mpg too. We'll se, only time will tell. Thanks everyone for your responses.

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 19th, 2004, 9:52 pm
by h8ter
Hey Clayton, just got back from a trip into the Sierras. Happy to report that the little 88hp MX is a good climber. All I had to do was drop it down into 4th and keep the revs between 3.7 - 4K RPM and it just kept going. Obviously not break-neck speeds but good enough for climbing at 60-65 mph. That's alright in my book. It was kind of hot too so the A/C was on the entire time. Man this car does not cese to amaze me. All this and it still posted 35mpg. Strange how it got better but I make it a point to fill it to the filler lip every time I fill up so I'm sure of my accuracy. Still can't wait for those cooler days where I won't need the A/C, I want to see that magical 40.

<small>[ August 21, 2004, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: h8ter ]</small>

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 21st, 2004, 11:01 am
by Josh
the sohc seems to do better than the dohc. when we went on ture to whistler last year dan from seattle never filled up once all the way to whistler and back. amazing. i filled up like 3 times. in my dohc when i had the ATX i got as good as 35 mpg w/o AC on. but now im lucky to get 22mpg. i downgraded the injectors and boost so id get better milege, at one point i got like 17 MPG. i guess thats the risk you take with performance. i think my dad in his 3 cyl metro got like 54MPG. but props on the milege guys.

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 21st, 2004, 1:18 pm
by What
I'm gonna be dissapointed if the little 4 cyl. MX3 wifey and I are grabbing doesn't get 30-35mpg. It's going to depend a bit on gearing and what speed your travelling but even my '02 Civic DX gets 40-50mpg, my Suzuki DOHC 1.3ltire Swift got 35-48mpg (even 30+ with turbo and over 193whp). My Dads V6 Camry gets 30-35 on the highway. Even know of some Lexus V8s and other newer V8s getting over 30 on the highway. It's been a long time since I owned a car that doesn't get good gas mileage. Last one was about 5 years ago with my AWD Talon that got like 18mpg.

With all the advancements towards 'lean-burn' chambers, and just as importantly advancements in engine control (which some manufacturers are simply better at than others), most well put together cars these days should get over 30mpg... minus gas-sucking 4000lb+ SUVs and such.

Josh, have you verified your a/f under part-throttle and cruise with wb02? For curiousity sake I put the wb02 on the stock 02 Civic... it's about the most boring curve you'll ever see. doesn't move from 14.7:1 in most any situation until you're over 3/4+throttle which I think is still rich for it's capabilities... It's only a matter of time before they are implementing technology of guys like Endyn and a/fs of 17:1 and leaner are common place under cruise.

But definetely welcome to the world of better gas mileage!

<small>[ August 21, 2004, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: What ]</small>

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 21st, 2004, 4:52 pm
by mitmaks
i only get 20-23mpg in my gs

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 21st, 2004, 5:13 pm
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Originally posted by What:
I'm gonna be dissapointed if the little 4 cyl. MX3 wifey and I are grabbing doesn't get 30-35mpg.
Are you referring to U.S. or Imperial gallons? In U.S. gallons, my 95 RS 1.6 DOHC routinely gets 30-32 mpg around-town driving and 34-35 mpg highway @65-75mph cruising speeds. Not great but to tell the truth, I frequently let the motor crank up and wind out a bit on the rpms. My MX is happiest when it can breath a bit and run free... :D

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 22nd, 2004, 12:14 am
by What
well, ok... maybe I won't be realllly upset, but I don't quite know if the car is doch or sohc as my wife has essentailly worked out the deal and I hear 93s can be either sohc or dohc. I fully expect the power lacking sohc though, so lets just shoot for 30+ :) For the DOHC, that doesn't sound too bad though. The Suzuki has the advantage of being 1800lbs vs 2400.

I usually use closer to the 4.4ish instead of the us 3.8ish :) Although I haven't really looked up either conversion lately... until now, and I see that I am still off and it's supposed to be 4.5 for Imperial. Whatever the case... filling up less is good.

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 22nd, 2004, 4:35 pm
by Darcy
93s are SOHC.
I've got one and my mileage has been anywhere from mid twenties to 40.
Strangely enough, the mileage is superb when letting the engine go, as dingoboy said.
For anyone who cares, i've got a little mileage counter on my web site at

I've started keeping track of average highway speeds that I travel at to see where my happy zone is, but there are a lot of factors involved to tell, but it's definitely above 110km/h.
Our trip out to Vancouver this summer was strange, as there were a few hills to go up and over, but I averaged 36MPG for the entire trip, probably averaging 110-130km/h for all the highway stretches,

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 22nd, 2004, 5:55 pm
by Sam Baker
my ZE gets around 30.. same as the K8 did, so i'm sure u 4-bangers must get more.

but as for the RS being fun to drive.. DAYAM!! :D illicitQ and me swapped cars for a few min and cruised around, and i really loved the lack of power! (not kidding, although it sounds like it) lol.. it was a blast to speed around in, just like the new Mazda 3's at Rev It Up!

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 24th, 2004, 7:23 pm
by binky
MX-3 is definately great on gas.....mine with 194K still gets 31-33 mpg.

Re: Holy Cow This Car Rocks

Posted: August 24th, 2004, 8:08 pm
by Joobers
When my SOHC MX-3 was working I normally got around 40mpg on the highway.