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Posted: November 20th, 2003, 7:47 pm
by mnuckols
Ok so I was removing my new intake to adjust a couple things and the plug on the MAF completely comes out. I then screw the piece with the prongs back in and then hook it back up and start up the car. The car runs for a about 10 seconds and then just completely shuts off and when I go look under the hood I hear some type of voltage or clicking I guess somewhere near the throttlebody. Any ideas what the heck is wrong? blah not my night.

Re: MAF?

Posted: November 20th, 2003, 8:21 pm
by atlantamx3
you didnt unscrew the little prongy thing fromthe MAF did you?? It has 2 clips that you lift up and then take it of--

If you unscrewed it and actually pulled it out-- then I beleive you messed up the connection that it makes with the MAF.

I have a 1992 SOHC-- and thats how mine does...

I may be wrong, however.

Re: MAF?

Posted: November 20th, 2003, 8:51 pm
by marshmallow15
the proper way to remove the maf connection is from those two clips as atlantamx3 mentioned. if you unscrewed the connection and removed all the little metal connections inside, you just messed up your maf and need a new one. and it's not fixable. once you bend the connections (which are as thin as paper) then its been tampered and destroyed.

Re: MAF?

Posted: November 20th, 2003, 9:08 pm
by mnuckols
Yea i was moving my whole intake system to direct it in another direction and the screws and whole works came now I guess i need to buy a new one.. :crying: There is NO possible way to fix it? And how much do these damn things run?...thanks in advance

Re: MAF?

Posted: November 20th, 2003, 10:13 pm
by mnuckols
and also, where can I get one? ive searched online can' find them anywhere...i guess I'll have to get it directly from a mazda dealer?

Re: MAF?

Posted: November 21st, 2003, 1:30 am
by marshmallow15
im not sure if there is a way to fix it. i did the same thing and the only thing the mechanic could do for me was replace it. i tried plugging it back in but still wouldn't work. im sure you'll find some for under $35 there. you can also visit your local junk yard. the maf shouldn't cost more than 40-50. ive found some for $15.

note: you can also pick one up from a 90-94 323 with the sohc motor (dohc not sure) and the protege (not sure generation).. for a performance upgrade you can get a non-turbo maf from an 87-88 rx-7 which you can also find from or ebay.

Re: MAF?

Posted: November 23rd, 2003, 6:40 pm
by Som1Dies2Nite
Its fixable trust me.I did the same thing and had to remove the silicone from the maf to remove the cover, then u will see the connectors u tried to pull.You'll probly see were the solder broke off the connector.You will need a solder gun and a volt meter to check continutity,and some silicone to replace the cover.Need any help pm me.