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please help, clutch?

Posted: October 16th, 2003, 10:48 pm
by Ryencool
hey guys! im so happy my car made it from rochester ny to austin texas, 1100 miles one day, and 500 the was a fun trip, but now im getting a squeakky sound when I depress the clutch. Sometimes i get it sometimes i dont. It feels like somthings loose. I hit a speed bump and the left suspenion jiggled. I pulled off the wheel and all hte bolts are on and tight. SO its not that. Can a clutch thats goin out feel like this? it grabs like it used to before the trip so i dunno. I didnt hit a tire, and a iron on hte road. Could a tranny or engine mount be it? I just have NO MONEY after this trip and want suggestions to look at in my parking lot. Thanks guys


Re: please help, clutch?

Posted: October 16th, 2003, 11:08 pm
by OsoSlo z28
the squeaky sound is more than likely the slave cylinder rod pushing against the clutch fork. nothing to really worry about.

as for the suspension, push up and down on the fender(make the car bounce) while holding the nut at the top of the strut(inside the engine bay) and see if you feel it pop or move.

Re: please help, clutch?

Posted: October 17th, 2003, 4:24 pm
by Csillag
My clutch is doing something similar....
my problem is that the clutch release bearing is either drying up, or dry, therefore making a sound equivalent to a belt squeeling (very annoying). 'N to fix it, I gotta get a new clutch, as you can't re-grease the bearing.
I could hear it most (and loudest) when I was releasing the clutch gently to start in first (or go in reverse)...