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Stuck Plug boot

Posted: August 1st, 2003, 12:49 am
by EvilSnot
Hi. I've got a wee bit of a problem. Ya see, I've been going Mc'Guyver on my car lately. I've had some serious problems with my Xact plug wires (basically, they seem to like to fall apart at inappropiate times, though it may have something to do with my "gentle" touch...). Recently, as my car was acting sluggish, I popped the hood and yanked at the first wire (left to right) and plucked it out. Needless to say, the neighbors called their kids in the house, as what followed was a barrage of colorful words which echoed down the street. <p>The sparkplug boot didnt come up with the wire. It's stuck, sitting around the plug in the friendly plug hole, mocking me. I've tried my damndest to get the little rubber hellspawn out of there, and i'll be damned if I have to pay a qualifed (compentent) person to do if for me. I'd love any idea's/suggestions/links that could prove helpful. Thanks in advance -Zong

Re: Stuck Plug boot

Posted: August 1st, 2003, 12:52 am
by sapper
Sorry I cant offer you any help, but man, roflmao!!! You have an awsome way of putting things into words...<p>[ July 31, 2003: Message edited by: sapper ]</p>

Re: Stuck Plug boot

Posted: August 1st, 2003, 2:18 am
by Gro Harlem
roflmao...i agree, great wording.<p>I recently had a "little hellspawn" mock me too in my #1 cylinder on my KLZE. I popped the wire out (its a NGK) and the f'ing boot stayed on the plug! I was trying everything to get it off the plug...using a lil grabber thingy i had, using pliers (wouldn't fit that deep) etc.<p>I ended up getting a coat hangar, bending it in a sort of a L shape, with the L part being about 1/4" (probably less) long and then shoving it down near the side of the boot, and turning it, so the L part jabbed into the rubber on the side...then i pulled up (with the hangar punctured through) and it came off<p>Try it! Its pretty easy! After I got the little bastard out, I just threw it across my garage and never reused it...i figured the top rubber seal was good enough to keep water out as it is.

Re: Stuck Plug boot

Posted: August 5th, 2003, 1:10 pm
by EvilSnot
Thanks for the kind words, and more importantly, the great idea :) .<p>[ August 05, 2003: Message edited by: EvilSnot ]</p>