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I feel REALLY stupid!!!

Posted: August 13th, 2002, 1:39 am
by Quazi5
Ok... to make a long story short, How in the world does one go about changing the rear brake/tail lights? ... or the reverse and blinkers for that fact! I tried and tried to figure it out but cant figure it out. Here's what I did. I looked under the bumper... how I changed the front blinkers, but no luck. removed the cargo panel, still nothing. Took off the little trim thinggy on top of the assembly but still, nothing. HELP!!!!

Re: I feel REALLY stupid!!!

Posted: August 13th, 2002, 2:03 am
by antwawn
once u take off the trim for the real brake lights...there should be 2 screws..un screw when u try to take off the lights be careful there are clips u cant see....u havt to kinda play around with it a little .... and once out u can take the bulbs out from the back

Re: I feel REALLY stupid!!!

Posted: August 13th, 2002, 2:04 am
by antwawn
the 2 screws that i was talking about are on top..i think theres a 3rd screw on the back left of the right rear light..right on the left light.

Re: I feel REALLY stupid!!!

Posted: August 13th, 2002, 1:17 pm
by LoXOnline
Like they said, you gotta take the 2/3 screws out and then you have to slide the light to the side, toward the fender, (slide the right light to the right and slide the left light to the light).

Re: I feel REALLY stupid!!!

Posted: August 13th, 2002, 1:44 pm
by heatherc
3 total screws:<BR>2 on top that hold the plastic frame (molding) on top...once ya take that off there is one more screw that u will see looking directly at the lense on the inside..unscrew that and slide the lenses to the outside of the car...just grab and pull...u will need a little bit of elbow grease but don't lose the tabs on the outer edge of the lenses they stay in the car and need to be used to put them back on..there are little nubs inside that (after u change the bulbs) the lense "grabs onto" to hold it in place..slide them back into place and put screws back altezza's when on easily<P>heather :)