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Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: July 18th, 2002, 5:48 pm
by mazdaspeed002
Anyone know the rules and regulations or know where i can find them for importing a car from canada to the US? Is it a state or national gov't issue? Is it even possible....Why are all the good mx-3's with low miles in canada, i'm jealous..... :(

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: July 19th, 2002, 12:29 am
by Nd4SpdSe
cause we hide them in our igloos 8 months of the year :D, got mine with 109k kms about 3 months ago for $4200cdn :D<P><BR>wouldnt the Metric speedometer mess ya up?<p>[ July 18, 2002: Message edited by: Nd4SpdSe ]

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: July 19th, 2002, 1:03 am
by mazdaspeed002
Hmm, well thats what i wanna know. The speedometer would probbally ahve to be brought to a state inspection station and replaced with a new one and then the title stated as actual miles unknown. I dunno though i havnt been able to find anything at all.

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: July 19th, 2002, 9:53 pm
by quinn_seipp
I know somewhat of what is necessary to bring a car into canada... you need to pay $138 to have it *inspected* and they tell you if you need certain thigns like day time running lights, etc etc... if its 15 years or older though u don't have to... My dad works at the border and I asked him one day and he filled me but thats all I could remember hahaha... [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: July 20th, 2002, 12:02 pm
by mmonid
I don't think the speedo will be too much of a problem since it has both KM/H and MPH (just in little tiny numbers) on it.

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: July 21st, 2002, 11:35 pm
by nicolasbeique
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nd4SpdSe:<BR><STRONG>cause we hide them in our igloos 8 months of the year :D, got mine with 109k kms about 3 months ago for $4200cdn :D<P><BR>wouldnt the Metric speedometer mess ya up?<P>[ July 18, 2002: Message edited by: Nd4SpdSe ]</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>HAHA! Don't forget that our roads are made out of ice!<P>I think you shouldn't have any problems importing the car, since canada as more laws then US about it (daytime running, etc...). As long as the car is running good and passes the emission tests, you're good to go. While you're at it, tell the owner to put cases of Molson Canadian beer in the truck too! :D <P>Good luck with the car! :cool:

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: July 22nd, 2002, 12:49 am
by mazdaspeed002
Thanks for the info. I'm gunna call my state and see if they can tell me anything..chances are they won't cause my states DMV sucks. We have extremley rough emissions and inspection guidlines. If your damn horn isn't loud enough they wont even pass you. Anyways, the only americans who drink Coors light are the ones in the trailer the trailer parks in texas. You know what they say, there's nothing but steers and queers in texas and sure dont see no horns on you....haha ok i'm lame i admit it, but i was just kidding about all that, thanks again for the help, I appreciate it man. Now only if i could find an affordable mx-3 GS.....

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: August 1st, 2002, 1:18 am
by jfbourgault
remember one thing: canadian regulations are tougher than the american ones( except for california )so far as safety, for emissions, i'm not sure, it depends which province you get the car from. I think you have to pass an emission test in ontario, in Quebec you don't. so my advise get one from Quebec. and as an added bonus, the girls are much more cute around here that anywhere else in Canada, especially Ontario. gne gne gne! that's just in case you happen to come by here, you'll see what i'm talking about.

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: August 1st, 2002, 2:29 am
by Casino
in northern ontario we dont have emissions test but in the southern part of ontario u do. ya we canadians have all the good stuff, minus the winters where u park the car and hope it runs next spring :)

Re: Importing an MX-3 from canada

Posted: August 5th, 2002, 5:07 am
by kuruption1983
bro<BR>gimme your phone number and i will call ya and give ya all da info, but i also need ya to gimme some info on how to import cars to canada. can i even buy a car, or i have to have a green card or a family member. been soooo lookin for an AUDI TT to import to canada but i dunno how to, since this car's prices are amazing down there.<P>good luck eh!