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One of the 2 fans in the front...

Posted: May 3rd, 2002, 4:11 pm
by DJ_X-ToNe
Okay, if your looking at the car head on, it'd be the fan on the left that dosnt spin. The righ tone spins fine. Im not sure if its a connection or what but from the outside every looks ok. Right under the radiar fluid cap (the little silver cap thing with a yellow label) there is a real lil amount of smoke that comes out. Its a 92 (4-cyl). The fans im talking about are the big white one right on the inside of the engine. Thanks for any help.

Re: One of the 2 fans in the front...

Posted: May 3rd, 2002, 10:59 pm
by DJ_X-ToNe
LOL!!! never's my air conditioning sorry for th stupid post!! :D