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breathing problems...!

Posted: November 8th, 2001, 5:17 am
by zx6r
Hey Everyone,<P>Well i've had my completely stock 1996 RS for just about a week now, did up my timing belt today from mazda.. After driving it myself for a week and letting a buddy of mine take it for a spin, I realise that sometimes it feels like there's no power whatsoever.. Now maybe this is just me, as I ride a ninja through the summer and just sold my RX-7..<P>But I definately feel a little bit of a lag almost.. Especially sometimes when i'm just starting to get rolling outta first it seems like it has a hard time going, but it's not very consistent..<P>ANother thing i noticd, although this may be normal, my clutch doesn't engage until it's really far out... is this typical? or do i need an adjustment.. or what?<P>Any info that anyone can provide will be really helpful, i think maybe a tune up will fix most things, but i'm very very NOT mechanically inclined!!<P>thanks guys!!<P>Tawheed

Re: breathing problems...!

Posted: November 8th, 2001, 2:46 pm
by back alley
my clutch is the same, need to push all the way down. i have a buddy in town who works with rubber and we will build up the pedal one these days. i have the 6 so i can't really speak to the acceleration problem. with the 6, my power really kicks in , in 3rd. and i love the feel. <BR>btw, don't go to mazda for repairs, too pricy. try ed's garage in south edmonton, just off calgary trail, south, near about 78th ave. he is good, honest and will work with you till it's fixed the way you want. and, no i'm not related to the guy, just really satisfied with his work. hth